Senryoku / Draftmancer

Multiplayer MTG Limited Simulator
MIT License
86 stars 32 forks source link

Card import to Arena doesn't match what's seen in app. #56

Closed dgeare closed 4 years ago

dgeare commented 4 years ago

A bug occurred where the state of the deck, as seen in the app, didn't match what was imported into Arena. The bug can be found in the clip:

A few minutes later in the video it's realized that there are 4 "phantom" cards in the count of the mainboard of the deck. There was a lot of issues with disconnects earlier in the draft, so it's possible that was impactful in the creation of the bug. I have a copy of the JSON for the draft log which I'll add below, though I'm not sure the log was in error.

dgeare commented 4 years ago

Draft log: { "boosters": [ [ "69397", "70179", "70221", "67326", "71191", "18243", "69387", "71190", "69618", "70717", "70544", "71801", "70516", "69524", "67324" ], [ "68726", "69804", "71860", "70230", "70277", "28373", "67566", "67216", "70008", "69552", "69606", "66119", "34470", "66241", "69136" ], [ "68728", "70541", "71135", "69191", "69586", "71228", "66819", "70273", "68030", "71285", "67720", "71908", "69334", "72015", "67180" ], [ "69405", "68467", "66067", "18239", "69936", "70716", "68688", "70246", "67358", "67778", "69814", "71103", "18235", "68563", "70515" ], [ "69403", "67592", "69500", "71150", "69596", "71985", "68556", "70162", "66261", "21381", "72000", "66363", "70196", "71266", "68470" ], [ "69720", "67132", "71862", "71161", "71931", "68310", "70642", "66835", "69568", "71233", "70339", "68520", "70236", "70537", "66651" ], [ "69405", "71790", "70211", "70622", "71203", "71964", "67118", "71995", "68677", "67738", "69551", "71296", "71084", "66659", "70643" ], 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17\n1 Golgari Guildgate (GRN) 248\n1 Archon of Falling Stars (THB) 2\n1 Imperial Aerosaur (XLN) 14\n1 Memorial to Unity (DAR) 245\n1 Flaxen Intruder (ELD) 155\n1 Burlfist Oak (M21) 174\n1 Sphinx of the Guildpact (RNA) 241\n1 Humble Naturalist (IKO) 160\n1 Flames of the Raze-Boar (RNA) 101\n1 Momentary Blink (TSP) 29\n1 Bad Deal (M21) 89\n1 Swallow Whole (IKO) 35\n1 Slimefoot, the Stowaway (DAR) 205\n1 Gird for Battle (GRN) 12\n1 Hornbash Mentor (IKO) 159\n1 Saproling Migration (DAR) 178\n1 Quirion Dryad (M21) 198\n1 Beanstalk Giant (ELD) 149\n1 Conclave Mentor (M21) 216\n1 Gateway Plaza (GRN) 247\n1 Ram Through (IKO) 170\n1 Jousting Dummy (ELD) 224\n1 Selesnya Guildgate (GRN) 255\n1 Witch's Oven (ELD) 237\n1 Season of Growth (M20) 191\n1 Dreadhorde Twins (WAR) 126\n" }, "aa7a3732-3244-0772-63a0-53e8c19ef609": { "userName": "Mort", "userID": "aa7a3732-3244-0772-63a0-53e8c19ef609", "picks": [ { "pick": "18243", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69397", "70179", "70221", "67326", "71191", 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255\n1 Reverent Hoplite (THB) 33\n1 Merfolk Trickster (DAR) 56\n1 Declare Dominance (M19) 175\n1 Simic Guildgate (RNA) 257\n1 Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest (M21) 203\n1 Orzhov Guildgate (WAR) 269\n1 Escape Velocity (THB) 132\n1 Honden of Infinite Rage (CHK) 172\n1 Dryad Greenseeker (M19) 178\n1 Skittering Surveyor (DAR) 230\n1 Untamed Kavu (DAR) 186\n1 Lorescale Coatl (M21) 221\n1 Dovin's Acuity (RNA) 168\n1 Medomai's Prophecy (THB) 53\n1 Cultivate (M21) 177\n1 Boros Guildgate (GRN) 243\n1 Heraldic Banner (ELD) 222\n1 Mystic Repeal (THB) 180\n1 Prismite (M20) 235\n1 Prosperous Pirates (XLN) 69\n1 Pyroceratops (IKO) 130\n1 District Guide (GRN) 128\n1 Spectral Sailor (M20) 76\n1 Disdainful Stroke (GRN) 37\n1 Mind Stone (WTH) 153\n1 Cloudkin Seer (M20) 54\n1 Sanctum of Stone Fangs (M21) 120\n1 Essence Scatter (IKO) 49\n1 Unexplained Vision (ELD) 70\n1 Chart a Course (XLN) 48\n1 Sinister Sabotage (GRN) 54\n1 Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive (DAR) 69\n1 Traveler's Amulet (THB) 240\n1 Archway Angel (RNA) 3\n1 Justice Strike (GRN) 182\n1 Omen of the Sea (THB) 58\n1 Guardians of Koilos (DAR) 216\n" }, "87dce43d-2e31-6d38-7b5d-a12d0c62ef37": { "userName": "Scottynada", "userID": "87dce43d-2e31-6d38-7b5d-a12d0c62ef37", "picks": [ { "pick": "69859", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68736", "41355", "66125", "67912", "67970", "69990", "71874", "70636", "71142", "68126", "67462", "69859", "71207", "70670", "66869" ] }, { "pick": "67324", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69397", "70179", "70221", "67326", "71191", "69387", "71190", "69618", "70717", "70544", "71801", "70516", "69524", "67324" ] }, { "pick": "70277", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68726", "69804", "70230", "70277", "28373", "67566", "67216", "70008", "69606", "66119", "34470", "66241", "69136" ] }, { "pick": "69191", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68728", "70541", "71135", "69191", "71228", "66819", "70273", "68030", "67720", "71908", "72015", "67180" ] }, { "pick": "67778", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69405", "66067", "18239", "70716", "68688", 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[ "71866" ] }, { "pick": "67690", "burn": [], "booster": [ "71314", "18235", "69507", "68543", "67354", "71237", "67536", "71933", "70217", "69609", "70265", "71172", "67690", "67514", "71109" ] }, { "pick": "70614", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68473", "66057", "70614", "69230", "71238", "70639", "70371", "70623", "67546", "69993", "69874", "70367", "67984", "70355" ] }, { "pick": "71145", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68736", "67170", "69168", "71145", "69925", "71226", "69929", "70678", "67992", "69497", "69684", "69361", "68515" ] }, { "pick": "69789", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69391", "69789", "68568", "70384", "70608", "67242", "69355", "71143", "67460", "70361", "71996", "66279" ] }, { "pick": "69320", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68732", "67802", "70598", "71981", "69976", "69983", "69320", "71980", "68716", "70693", "70751" ] }, { "pick": "21387", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69397", "69131", "71202", "21387", "69608", "71180", "70641", "71172", "69577", "70296" ] }, { "pick": "70527", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69403", "70527", "71132", "71198", "68597", "68643", "70730", "71998", "69798" ] }, { "pick": "68172", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68728", "71139", "68172", "70569", "67388", "69887", "70015", "71201" ] }, { "pick": "18235", "burn": [], "booster": [ "71314", "18235", "71237", "67536", "71933", "71172", "71109" ] }, { "pick": "69874", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69230", "70639", "70371", "67546", "69993", "69874" ] }, { "pick": "69684", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68736", "69929", "69497", "69684", "69361" ] }, { "pick": "70361", "burn": [], "booster": [ "70384", "70608", "70361", "66279" ] }, { "pick": "70693", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69976", "68716", "70693" ] }, { "pick": "70641", "burn": [], "booster": [ "70641", "69577" ] }, { "pick": "70730", "burn": [], "booster": [ "70730" ] } ], "cards": [ "71790", "68126", "71801", "69804", "70541", "70246", "71150", "67132", "68677", "41355", "67326", "70008", "66819", "68563", "68556", "70223", "71140", "71894", "66781", "65961", "32675", "70365", "71099", "69149", "71883", "71087", "71073", "70249", "66757", "71866", "67690", "70614", "71145", "69789", "69320", "21387", "70527", "68172", "18235", "69874", "69684", "70361", "70693", "70641", "70730" ], "exportString": "Deck\n1 Basri's Acolyte (M21) 8\n1 Regal Bloodlord (M19) 222\n1 Feat of Resistance (M21) 19\n1 Gods Willing (M20) 19\n1 Omen of the Sun (THB) 30\n1 Order of Midnight (ELD) 99\n1 Dead Weight (IKO) 83\n1 Dauntless Bodyguard (DAR) 14\n1 Fresh-Faced Recruit (GRN) 216\n1 Timely Reinforcements (M12) 40\n1 Whisper, Blood Liturgist (DAR) 111\n1 Colossus Hammer (M20) 223\n1 Fanatical Firebrand (RIX) 101\n1 Goblin Banneret (GRN) 102\n1 Cosmotronic Wave (GRN) 95\n1 Bake into a Pie (ELD) 76\n1 Bastion of Remembrance (IKO) 73\n1 Malefic Scythe (M21) 112\n1 Ravenous Chupacabra (RIX) 82\n1 Adanto Vanguard (XLN) 1\n1 Soul Warden (M10) 34\n1 Enchanted Carriage (ELD) 218\n1 Splendor Mare (IKO) 32\n1 Sky Tether (RNA) 21\n1 Goremand (M21) 101\n1 Light of Hope (IKO) 20\n1 Coordinated Charge (IKO) 6\n1 Reaper of Night (ELD) 102\n1 Dusk Legion Zealot (RIX) 70\n1 Waker of Waves (M21) 84\n1 Ajani's Pridemate (M19) 5\n1 Lampad of Death's Vigil (THB) 103\n1 Call of the Death-Dweller (IKO) 78\n1 Angel of Vitality (M20) 4\n1 Mortify (RNA) 192\n1 Honden of Life's Web (CHK) 213\n1 Flicker of Fate (THB) 16\n1 Skyscanner (M19) 245\n1 Secluded Steppe (ONS) 324\n1 Blood for Bones (M20) 89\n1 Nahiri, Storm of Stone (WAR) 233\n1 Resolute Rider (ELD) 214\n1 Nessian Hornbeetle (THB) 182\n1 Dreamshaper Shaman (THB) 130\n1 Hero of the Nyxborn (THB) 219\n" }, "09bee2ef-dfa0-464c-1ab7-5fb0bc5b2547": { "userName": "K$at21", "userID": "09bee2ef-dfa0-464c-1ab7-5fb0bc5b2547", "picks": [ { "pick": "68467", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69405", "68467", "66067", "18239", "69936", "70716", "68688", "70246", "67358", "67778", "69814", "71103", "18235", "68563", "70515" ] }, { "pick": "72000", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69403", "67592", "69500", "71150", "69596", "71985", "68556", "66261", "21381", "72000", "66363", "70196", "71266", "68470" ] }, { "pick": "70339", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69720", "67132", "71161", "71931", "68310", "70642", "66835", "71233", "70339", "68520", "70236", "70537", "66651" ] }, { "pick": "71296", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69405", "70211", "70622", "71203", "71995", "68677", "67738", "69551", "71296", "71084", "66659", "70643" ] }, { "pick": "70636", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68736", "41355", "66125", "67912", "69990", "71874", "70636", "71142", "71207", "70670", "66869" ] }, { "pick": "71191", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69397", "70179", "70221", "67326", "71191", "69387", "71190", "70717", "70544", "70516" ] }, { "pick": "34470", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68726", "70230", "67566", "67216", "70008", "69606", "34470", "66241", "69136" ] }, { "pick": "68728", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68728", "71228", "66819", "70273", "68030", "67720", "71908", "72015" ] }, { "pick": "70716", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69405", "18239", "70716", "68688", "67358", "71103", "68563" ] }, { "pick": "69596", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69403", "67592", "69596", "71985", "68556", "71266" ] }, { "pick": "70236", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69720", "71931", "70642", "70236", "70537" ] }, { "pick": "71203", "burn": [], "booster": [ "70622", "71203", "71084", "70643" ] }, { "pick": "70670", "burn": [], "booster": [ "67912", "71874", "70670" ] }, { "pick": "70516", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69387", "70516" ] }, { "pick": "67566", "burn": [], "booster": [ "67566" ] }, { "pick": "67284", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68724", "71073", "67196", "66781", "67340", "69276", "67284", "71968", "69296", "66445", "69175", "70158", "71197", "69389", "70354" ] }, { "pick": "67400", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68729", "70564", "70249", "71936", "68589", "70175", "71183", "69198", "68136", "71227", "67400", "70232", "71799", "65961" ] }, { "pick": "69610", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68729", "66091", "69895", "66831", "71959", "69653", "69229", "71231", "69610", "66757", "69581", "32675", "69520" ] }, { "pick": "18321", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68724", "70513", "71110", "70310", "71866", "18321", "69856", "25533", "68114", "70284", "70365", "69835" ] }, { "pick": "71932", "burn": [], "booster": [ "65987", "69863", "71153", "68509", "69598", "71932", "70369", "71099", "71871", "71178", "66073" ] }, { "pick": "71314", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69149", "67250", "70269", "71241", "71126", "68496", "71314", "67594", "69989", "70691" ] }, { "pick": "71186", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69720", "69516", "71186", "70020", "69503", "69251", "67406", "71883", "70302" ] }, { "pick": "71200", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69391", "71087", "71154", "71956", "68700", "66099", "67574", "71200" ] }, { "pick": "68724", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68724", "71073", "71968", "66445", "69175", "71197", "69389" ] }, { "pick": "71936", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68729", "70249", "71936", "68589", "68136", "71227" ] }, { "pick": "66831", "burn": [], "booster": [ "66091", "66831", "69229", "66757", "69581" ] }, { "pick": "70310", "burn": [], "booster": [ "70310", "71866", "25533", "69835" ] }, { "pick": "71153", "burn": [], "booster": [ "71153", "71871", "66073" ] }, { "pick": "71241", "burn": [], "booster": [ "67250", "71241" ] }, { "pick": "69503", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69503" ] }, { "pick": "69765", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69397", "69131", "69839", "71168", "71202", "21387", "69608", "71180", "70641", "71172", "69577", "70296", "69765", "71171", "71077" ] }, { "pick": "71244", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69403", "70527", "71132", "69556", "71198", "68597", "68643", "70730", "71244", "71971", "71902", "71998", "69827", "69798" ] }, { "pick": "68604", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68728", "71139", "69207", "68604", "68172", "70569", "71116", "68612", "67388", "67154", "69887", "70015", "71201" ] }, { "pick": "67354", "burn": [], "booster": [ "71314", "18235", "68543", "67354", "71237", "67536", "71933", "70217", "69609", "70265", "71172", "71109" ] }, { "pick": "70355", "burn": [], "booster": [ "66057", "69230", "71238", "70639", "70371", "70623", "67546", "69993", "69874", "70367", "70355" ] }, { "pick": "70678", "burn": [], "booster": [ "68736", "67170", "69168", "69925", "69929", "70678", "69497", "69684", "69361", "68515" ] }, { "pick": "71996", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69391", "70384", "70608", "67242", "69355", "71143", "70361", "71996", "66279" ] }, { "pick": "69983", "burn": [], "booster": [ "67802", "70598", "71981", "69976", "69983", "68716", "70693", "70751" ] }, { "pick": "71180", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69131", "71202", "69608", "71180", "70641", "71172", "69577" ] }, { "pick": "68597", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69403", "71198", "68597", "68643", "70730", "69798" ] }, { "pick": "71201", "burn": [], "booster": [ "71139", "70569", "69887", "70015", "71201" ] }, { "pick": "71314", "burn": [], "booster": [ "71314", "67536", "71933", "71172" ] }, { "pick": "70639", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69230", "70639", "67546" ] }, { "pick": "69929", "burn": [], "booster": [ "69929", "69497" ] }, { "pick": "70608", "burn": [], "booster": [ "70608" ] } ], "cards": [ "68467", "72000", "70339", "71296", "70636", "71191", "34470", "68728", "70716", "69596", "70236", "71203", "70670", "70516", "67566", "67284", "67400", "69610", "18321", "71932", "71314", "71186", "71200", "68724", "71936", "66831", "70310", "71153", "71241", "69503", "69765", "71244", "68604", "67354", "70355", "70678", "71996", "69983", "71180", "68597", "71201", "71314", "70639", "69929", "70608" ], "exportString": "Deck\n1 Conclave Tribunal (GRN) 6\n1 Experimental Overload (M21) 218\n1 Grumgully, the Generous (ELD) 192\n1 Proud Wildbonder (IKO) 229\n1 Anax, Hardened in the Forge (THB) 125\n1 Lava Serpent (IKO) 124\n1 Goblin Ruinblaster (ZEN) 127\n1 Gateway Plaza (GRN) 247\n1 Wolfwillow Haven (THB) 205\n1 Spellgorger Weird (WAR) 145\n1 Forever Young (ELD) 89\n1 Shredded Sails (IKO) 136\n1 Thrill of Possibility (THB) 159\n1 The Birth of Meletis (THB) 5\n1 Sorcerer's Wand (DAR) 231\n1 The Eldest Reborn (DAR) 90\n1 Valduk, Keeper of the Flame (DAR) 148\n1 Evolution Sage (WAR) 159\n1 Krosan Tusker (ONS) 272\n1 Heartfire Immolator (M21) 150\n1 Evolving Wilds (IKO) 247\n1 Forbidden Friendship (IKO) 119\n1 Rooting Moloch (IKO) 133\n1 Boros Guildgate (GRN) 243\n1 Kinetic Augur (M21) 154\n1 Needletooth Raptor (RIX) 107\n1 Keeper of Fables (ELD) 163\n1 Duskfang Mentor (IKO) 86\n1 Titanoth Rex (IKO) 174\n1 Flux Channeler (WAR) 52\n1 Vraska, Swarm's Eminence (WAR) 236\n1 Back for More (IKO) 177\n1 Prey Upon (GRN) 143\n1 Ghitu Chronicler (DAR) 125\n1 Deathless Knight (ELD) 208\n1 Chainweb Aracnir (THB) 167\n1 Wildwood Scourge (M21) 214\n1 Veil of Summer (M20) 198\n1 Drannith Stinger (IKO) 113\n1 Kraul Harpooner (GRN) 136\n1 Rumbling Rockslide (IKO) 134\n1 Evolving Wilds (IKO) 247\n1 Blood Aspirant (THB) 128\n1 Goblin Smuggler (M20) 144\n1 Funeral Rites (THB) 97\n" } } }

dgeare commented 4 years ago

I'm going to see if I have time to poke around with this today, but if a more experienced contributor has a part of the codebase to suggest might be a good place to focus my attention, it would be appreciated.

wrmacrae commented 4 years ago

Thanks for posting, @dgeare ! Squerp here. I think the draft log is just the packs, picks, and final pool, so at a glance, that looks relatively normal. The VOD is super helpful, and agreed that the disconnects could definitely be relevant (and may also be an issue worth some investigation; it seems like Mort probably had real internet trouble, but Scottynada's disconnect while restarting the draft may have been preventable. Back to the export to arena issue, though:

Two possible causes to investigate from here: 1) the state in the client is off. At some point, probably because of the disconnect, what's in the Vue deck data became wrong, and we're seeing that (wrong) data properly transformed into a string. This would beg the question of how the actual Vue view is correct, though. 2) the conversion of the state into a string is off. Could be that Arena is handling the string in a way we didn't expect. Not in particular that the Ravnica split cards are weird and there's one here.

I don't have a strong lead on how either (1) or (2) are actually causing the problem or how to fix, but hopefully that hopes focus down the issue some.

wrmacrae commented 4 years ago

Ah, I just went back to the part of the VOD right before the export and see what you mean by the 4 "phantom" cards. That's a great lead and seems to mean this is (1) described above. The code that shows "Deck (26)" is right here and the actual display of the cards in the deck is here using the CardPool Vue component:

The fact that the deck length outside of that component is 26 but then the actual display is only showing 22 cards means something in the state (this.deck) is not matching up with what's being displayed and dragged around.

dgeare commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the direction @wrmacrae . I'll take a look a look at this.deck as it seems most promising. New to Vue, so this should be fun ^_^.

wrmacrae commented 4 years ago

It looks like all of the extra cards that showed up in the export were cards from before the disconnect (including the ones that showed up duplicated). The cards that showed up duplicated are ones that were sideboarded and then added back into the deck. The other thing that I've noticed is a lot of dragging vs clicking to move things back and forth. There's a click handler that moves things between the deck and sideboard but I'm wondering if the state that shows which card is in which column (card-columns) can fall out of sync with the actual deck. Then if those are out of sync, I could see the columns not showing things that were in the deck. I'll see if I can reproduce this by dragging or if it also requires a disconnect.

Senryoku commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for the detailed report, the vod is indeed very useful! I took a look at the logs and the server crashed after Mort disconnected (causing everyone - including Scotty - to disconnect). I pushed a band-aid to prevent this exact crash, but obviously this is not a proper fix. Error was TypeError: Cannot read property 'forUsers' of undefined @ server.js:168:23, which basically means that a user tried to send a chat message while being tied to an non-existent Session. Not sure how that can happen, but it's probably related to the reconnection logic. I'm going to peek at the front-end now :)

Senryoku commented 4 years ago

My feeling is that it has something to do with the reconnect logic on the client side too. Reconnecting should reset your sideboard (the server send your picks cards on reconnect, but doesn't know about your sideboard), but nothing happened in the VoD.

Also you can see here that I already noticed something was wrong but couldn't really understand what... (also, if I thought this was necessary, why didn't I re-sync'd the sideboard too?...)

Senryoku commented 4 years ago

I couldn't reproduce it locally, however I found a bug affecting the server re-start and player reconnection that may interact with what we're dealing with here (There's no traces of it in the log though, so I'm really not sure). I've pushed a fix for this (ac2e37404a4dd26a50396c49ea1027dacdb20435 & f1cc6f07b6cc67395b8f07a33dd090f2323cc2d5).

Edit: Scratch that. I was wondering why the production server seemed to be immune to this bug and found why: My 'fix' does absolutely nothing :)

wrmacrae commented 4 years ago

Do you have a good way to test disconnect and reconnect in the frontend? I tried starting a draft and refreshing on my local build (on a fork that's a couple commits behind, probably), and got the following in the console:

Screen Shot 2020-07-05 at 5 50 12 PM
Senryoku commented 4 years ago

Refreshing should work

dgeare commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately I wasn't able to make any meaningful progress on this today either. I put a few hours into it, and I didn't see anything that looked highly likely to cause this behavior. Tho I did find the comment mentioned by @Senryoku and was very curious what that was about :).

Unfortunately, a disproportionate amount of my time was spend wrestling with webpack (isn't that such a meme) trying to get it to give me sourcemaps so I could meaningfully interact with the devtools in the front end. Is there a doc with instructions for this? I got .map files but because of the babel transpilation they didn't seem to be of any value.

Senryoku commented 4 years ago

Thank you again for putting that much effort into this! I have very little experience with webpack (or with web dev in general) and can't really help you with dev tools unfortunately. Building for development (npm run build-dev) should retain most (all?) symbols for debugging, and I can recommend the Vue.js devtools browser extension to inspect Vue state; but I may not even understand the question here, sorry :(

dgeare commented 4 years ago

No worries! Web dev is all I've done for the past 8 years, so maybe I fit here ;). The source maps should allow the chrome inspector (f12) to see the original source and not the uglified (to minimize size) and transpiled (to make usable by and person still on IE 🙄 ) src code from dist. You can then (mostly) see the code as authored and set breakpoints and inspect the state accordingly. I'll see if i can't figure it out.

Though wrestling with webpack is definitely a web-dev meme at this point 🤣

wrmacrae commented 4 years ago

@Senryoku I suspect the addition of this.$refs.sideboardDisplay.sync(); into rejoinDraft may have fixed at least some this. If we were syncing the deck but not the sideboard and that's actually necessary to get the columns correct on reconnect (I think it is because we're basically unsideboarding all of the cards and the client needs to know about that change), then a lot of cards could have ended up left in the sideboard columns but not the sideboard list itself, and then added into the deck a second time (which explains duplicates even though it was a cube). Generally once the deck columns have cards that aren't in the deck list or the sideboard columns have cards that aren't in sideboard list, we've broken an important invariant and all the other behavior feels basically undefined. I think actually it's a bit of a DRY violation to have the columns of the deck/sideboard and then separate state for all of the cards in the sideboard. I'm still mulling over what a good fix for that is, but my gut is that we should do away with deck and sideboard, in favor of just flattening the columns. We might see weird performance right after disconnect, but then everything that keys off of deck with be consistent with the actual view of the deck.

Unfortunately I still don't have a repro of the bug or a verify of the fix. I'm playing around with socat at the moment since I think that might be more representative of the disconnect than a refresh, since the latter resets state in the client, whereas the former represents just losing the socket to the server.

Senryoku commented 4 years ago

Do you have a good way to test disconnect and reconnect in the frontend? I tried starting a draft and refreshing on my local build (on a fork that's a couple commits behind, probably), and got the following in the console:

Screen Shot 2020-07-05 at 5 50 12 PM

After another report I took some time to verify this and realized that the recent changes I did to the card data loading broke the reconnect feature: I initialized the socket before the cards were available and the rejoin failed... This should be fixed now.

wrmacrae commented 4 years ago

On prod right now I was able to refresh without that error in the console appearing. I can't fully verify that this fixed the original issue, but you definitely made something better just now and reconnection feels way faster and more consistent than it does on my fork.