What exactly is included in the first event?
Are there enemies? If yes, who?
What are the player mechanics?
What are the level mechanics?
Does it have any lore?
Event Mechanics:
[x] Spawn/De-spawn platforms randomly in a specified area with delay
[x] Spawn platforms Instantly depending on Sequence /De-spawn with delay
[x] Platform active Trigger when sequence is shown
[ ] Platform Trigger on contact with player damages boss if correct sequence is met
[x] Boss Object Health Script including UI
[ ] If a platform that possesses an active trigger is allowed to de-spawn then player closest to de-spawned platform is sent to spectate mode.
No major changes to events can be made after being set. If the event is changed from the original spec the whole thing is scrapped. A new event can be created with the newly found ideas and built upon. Prevents weak structure and endless feature ideas.
Questions Template:
Event Mechanics:
No major changes to events can be made after being set. If the event is changed from the original spec the whole thing is scrapped. A new event can be created with the newly found ideas and built upon. Prevents weak structure and endless feature ideas.