SenseiFru / CorePuzzle

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Story Design #30

Closed SenseiFru closed 3 years ago

SenseiFru commented 3 years ago


As a Person you were not satisfied with what you'd Known. Deep Inside there was always a hunger for knowledge. You were always different to most always contradicting your colleagues and loved ones almost as if to see their reactions yet you never knew why, aside from the aggression received in return. Until 1 day almost as if an epiphany had struck you decided to move onwards onto the world doing the opposite of what your fellow man wanted.

Whilst they aimed towards the stars you like all us seekers of truth aimed towards the same. Yet your personality would not allow it. So rather than aiming to what lies beyond the skys you aimed towards your surroundings, down deeper into the land, the seas, the world, Yourself.

Upon Your Search you find many mysteries each one revealing parts of the truth. As you proceed you come to the realization that you can't do this alone. You and Others like you who have come to the same conclusion decided to create a foundation in the pursuit of who we are we named this place Reuel the Relic of Truth.

On our Journey we found weird creatures "Amazing how had we not known this before" one could asks themselves. They cannot be harmed by normal means completely bizarre to our understanding. We attempt to Interact but not all mysteries are as peaceful as one would think. We have not been welcomed. Here our Story begins!