SenshiSentou / sd-webui-state-manager

A state manager to quickly save and return to previous configs in A1111
MIT License
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How the F do I delete the saved States? #2

Closed HayanShiro closed 5 months ago

HayanShiro commented 7 months ago

Same as the title. I can't seem to be able to delete them.

SenshiSentou commented 7 months ago

Hi. Do they disappear at all when you try to delete the entries, or does is just fail? Any console output?

HayanShiro commented 7 months ago

Hey. Sorry for bular language. When I click delete and confirm the deletion, nothing happens. No console output either.

SenshiSentou commented 7 months ago

No worries. I'm currently working on a major update and trying to make it more stable; I'll take a look at this as well

HayanShiro commented 7 months ago

Thank you so, so much.

ZeusLT commented 5 months ago

I also can't delete anything, also it seems to auto save everything even tho the checkbox is unticked.

ZeusLT commented 5 months ago

I'm on Brave browser and the console log spits this out on delete:

statemanager.js?1710377702.4659507:719 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'innerText')
    at sm.updateInspector (statemanager.js?1710377702.4659507:719:81)
    at (statemanager.js?1710377702.4659507:122:16)
    at entry.addEventListener.signal (statemanager.js?1710377702.4659507:575:34)
    at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (statemanager.js?1710377702.4659507:685:23)

on selection:

  statemanager.js?1710377702.4659507:719 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'innerText')
    at sm.updateInspector (statemanager.js?1710…7702.4659507:719:81)
    at (statemanager.js?1710…7702.4659507:122:16)
    at entry.addEventListener.signal (statemanager.js?1710…7702.4659507:575:34)

 Console log from Edge on Delete:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'innerText')
    at sm.updateInspector (statemanager.js?1710377702.4659507:719:81)
    at (statemanager.js?1710377702.4659507:122:16)
    at entry.addEventListener.signal (statemanager.js?1710377702.4659507:575:34)
    at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (statemanager.js?1710377702.4659507:685:23)
exLightning commented 5 months ago

I also can't delete anything, also it seems to auto save everything even tho the checkbox is unticked.

Yep, can't delete, auto saves everything and if you go full screen you can't see any of the UI it's just white. But the basic functionality works, being able to go back to good gens is really helpful it's just starting to become hard to find them between all the ones I didn't want to save and cannot delete lol.

ZeusLT commented 5 months ago

@exLightning go to extensions/sd-webui-state-manager and do git checkout V2.0-beta, this unreleased yet fork works

exLightning commented 5 months ago

@exLightning go to extensions/sd-webui-state-manager and do git checkout V2.0-beta, this unreleased yet fork works

Seems to be working now, appreciate the help.