SensitiveQuestions / list

R list package for analyzing list experiments, also known as the item count technique
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ictreg nls giving mustart error #12

Open darrelrobinson opened 5 years ago

darrelrobinson commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure where the issue is, or if I'm just using the function incorrectly, but I was hoping to get some help. Were trying to run an ictreg with method = "nls" but receive the error message "Error in family$linkfun(mustart) : Value 1.1 out of range (0, 1)". Initially I suspected NA values but that doesn't seem to be the problem.

Our call to ictreg is:

fit.list <- ictreg(y ~ yob + ed + gen + rur + par + gov + aut,
                              data = df, treat = "treat", J=4, method = "nls")

Using method = "lm" works without issue, but method = "ml" also produces the same error as above. I've attached a small sample of our dataset, we would be very grateful for any help.