SensorsIot / IOTstack

Docker stack for getting started on IOT on the Raspberry PI
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zigbee2mqtt not population volumes/zigbee2mqtt/data #727

Closed MarvinWeitz closed 9 months ago

MarvinWeitz commented 9 months ago

Hi there,

I wanted to install my Home Assistant setup from scratch using mosquitto and zigbee2mqtt. After choosing both in my menu, zigbee2mqtt ends up in a restart loop without wrting logs to volumes/zigbee2mqtt/data. I accessed the logs via portainer and ended up with the following:

Using '/app/data' as data directory
Creating configuration file...
cp: can't stat '/app/configuration.example.yaml': No such file or directory

Upon inspection, the data folder indeed didn't have a config file present. In the docs it says a default config should be created though...

Paraphraser commented 9 months ago

See Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/19062 which I submitted a few moments ago.

This is not an IOTstack problem, as such. It seems to be a very recent problem with the Zigbee2MQTT image on DockerHub.

If you read the issue linked above, you'll see that there's a workaround. Just start the container with an explicit tag of 1.32.2. That will initialise the persistent store properly. Then change the tag back to latest.

I'm embarrassed to admit that I ran into this exact same problem a day or two ago. I was testing the process of getting a Zigbee adapter connected to an old Intel-based Mac running Proxmox with a Debian guest. I saw this and assumed it was something I had done wrong. I knew Zigbee2MQTT was running on a Pi at latest so I just cloned the ~/IOTstack/volumes/zigbee2mqtt folder from the Pi onto the Proxmox host. The problem went away so I went back to the task at hand (documenting the how-to) and didn't think much more about it. My bad.

Anyway, thanks for reporting this. You have the workaround so anyone else hitting the same problem will (hopefully) find your issue and it will lead them in the right direction.

That's actually a strong hint for you to please NOT close your issue until it is solved in a later release of Zigbee2MQTT. The trick is to place a watch on issue 19062 so you'll get a notification when it is closed, then you can close this one. I apologise if I'm telling you things you already know.

MarvinWeitz commented 9 months ago

@Paraphraser thanks so much for the answer. Using the older version fixed it. I'm going to keep this open for now until the fix is in the released version.