SensorsIot / Reminder-with-Google-Calender

Reminder connects an ESP8266 to a Google Calender
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it will not compile #4

Open liteglow opened 5 years ago

liteglow commented 5 years ago

I got this:

Arduino: 1.8.9 (Windows 10), Board: "WeMos D1 R1, 80 MHz, Flash, 4M (1M SPIFFS), v2 Lower Memory, Disabled, None, Only Sketch, 921600"

sketch\Calandar.ino.cpp.o: In function `_GLOBAL__sub_I_host':

C:\Users\plipp\Documents\Arduino\Calandar/Calandar.ino:251: undefined reference to `HTTPSRedirect::HTTPSRedirect(int)'

C:\Users\plipp\Documents\Arduino\Calandar/Calandar.ino:251: undefined reference to `HTTPSRedirect::~HTTPSRedirect()'

sketch\Calandar.ino.cpp.o: In function `connectToWifi()':

C:\Users\plipp\Documents\Arduino\Calandar/Calandar.ino:70: undefined reference to `HTTPSRedirect::HTTPSRedirect(int)'

C:\Users\plipp\Documents\Arduino\Calandar/Calandar.ino:77: undefined reference to `HTTPSRedirect::~HTTPSRedirect()'

C:\Users\plipp\Documents\Arduino\Calandar/Calandar.ino:84: undefined reference to `HTTPSRedirect::getData(String&, char const, char const)'

C:\Users\plipp\Documents\Arduino\Calandar/Calandar.ino:88: undefined reference to `HTTPSRedirect::HTTPSRedirect(int)'

sketch\Calandar.ino.cpp.o: In function `getCalendar()':

C:\Users\plipp\Documents\Arduino\Calandar/Calandar.ino:105: undefined reference to `HTTPSRedirect::getData(String&, char const, char const)'

C:\Users\plipp\Documents\Arduino\Calandar/Calandar.ino:112: undefined reference to `HTTPSRedirect::~HTTPSRedirect()'

sketch\Calandar.ino.cpp.o: In function `setup':

C:\Users\plipp\Documents\Arduino\Calandar/Calandar.ino:209: undefined reference to `HTTPSRedirect::HTTPSRedirect(int)'

sketch\Calandar.ino.cpp.o: In function `createEvent(String)':

C:\Users\plipp\Documents\Arduino\Calandar/Calandar.ino:123: undefined reference to `HTTPSRedirect::getData(String&, char const, char const)'

C:\Users\plipp\Documents\Arduino\Calandar/Calandar.ino:125: undefined reference to `HTTPSRedirect::~HTTPSRedirect()'

collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

exit status 1 Error compiling for board WeMos D1 R1.

This report would have more information with "Show verbose output during compilation" option enabled in File -> Preferences.

mohir commented 5 years ago

Try downgrade Esp8266 board version to 2.4.2 it worked for me

SensorsIot commented 5 years ago

It does not find the files of HTTPSRedirect. Maybe you forgot to copy the two files into your sketch directory?

liteglow commented 5 years ago

I go all ower again testing with the V2 files. This time I get this error creating the Google Script: TypeError: Cannot read property "parameter" from undefined. (line 2, file "Code")

I did not change anything from your script file!

liteglow commented 5 years ago

I would really like to know what I does wrong ? I do follow every step, I created the Google Calendar script to READ, and publish into my code. I was not able to create the Calendar Create script because of the "LINE 2 ERROR" .. But the arduino should be able to read my calendar and turn the LED ON ?

I add the files to my Arduino folder and write it on my Wemos D1 R1 board.

I add 4 LEDS, start the board. Create some events on my Google Calendar and wait.. But the LED will not turn On.. so there is no reminder for me :(

Could this whole project be done easy with making the LED stay ON every Monday from 00:00 to remind you for one thing every week ? instead of using a google calendar ?

witchole commented 5 years ago

This time I get this error creating the Google Script: TypeError: Cannot read property "parameter" from undefined. (line 2, file "Code")

Did you deploy the script?

kodacy commented 4 years ago

I'm also having problems compiling the scrip (analog and V2 with the same error):

ReminderV2.ino: In function 'void connectToWifi()':

ReminderV2:103:11: error: 'class HTTPSRedirect' has no member named 'setInsecure'



exit status 1 'class HTTPSRedirect' has no member named 'setInsecure'

Any idea that can help me?

mohir commented 4 years ago

A bit of old advice, but maybe will work: Try downgrade Esp8266 board version to 2.4.2 it worked for me

kodacy commented 4 years ago

A bit of old advice, but maybe will work: Try downgrade Esp8266 board version to 2.4.2 it worked for me

Already tried that, would you please try just compiling the analog script with now changes at all and see if it complies for you?

philippewyssen commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue. I work on a Mac with a Esp8266/NodeMCU board and installed the 2.4.0-rc2 version. I imported HTTPSRedirect.h, HTTPSRedirect.cpp, and DebuMacros.h to the libraries, but still compiling ReminderV2.ino results in:

.../ReminderV2.ino: In function 'void connectToWifi()': ReminderV2:103:11: error: 'class HTTPSRedirect' has no member named 'setInsecure' client->setInsecure(); ^ exit status 1 'class HTTPSRedirect' has no member named 'setInsecure'

I would love to do this project with my kids. Help is highly appreciated!

mohir commented 4 years ago

Why the rc version? Please try 2.4.2

witchole commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue.

Hi Philippe, Try my version:

SensorsIot commented 4 years ago

I just compiled ReminderV2 and ReminderAnalog with IDE 1.8.12 and ESP8266 2.6.3 on Windows10 and did not get errors