Sentropic / SkillAPI-s

A flexible API for easily creating skills and classes with visual skill trees
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Group's Enemy and Ally indistinguishable bug #12

Closed yhdev7935 closed 3 years ago

yhdev7935 commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug Group's Enemy and Ally indistinguishable bug

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: The skill that heals allies becomes heal to enemies Skills that prevent enemies from moving are applied to allies.

Expected behavior Group's Enemy and Ally should be distinguished.

Version SkillAPIs-1.97

Sentropic commented 3 years ago

Are you using Parties? Also append a copy of your config please

yhdev7935 commented 3 years ago

Yes, I'm using Parties.


# ---------------------------------------------- #
#              General Configuration             #
# ---------------------------------------------- #
# If you are unsure of how to use this file,     #
# but would like to change how the plugin shows  #
# text, visit the BukkitDev page at:             #
# #
# and look at the default configuration section  #
# ---------------------------------------------- #

  # The main class group used for GUI displays
  main-class-group: 'class'

  # Allows one "account" per class, providing the "/class switch"
  # command to change between them. This is an alternative to
  # using "/class acc <id>" which professes as a class at the same
  # time and makes it easier to correlate an account to a class.
  # This will not work well if you have one common class
  # that turns into the rest.
  one-per-class: 'false'

  # The max number of accounts a normal user can use
  max-accounts: '11'

  # The max number of accounts users can have with certain permissions
  # must be in the format '<permission>:<accounts>'
  - 'skillapi.account.admin:40'
  - 'tias.1:12'
  - 'tias.2:13'
  - 'tias.3:14'
  - 'tias.4:15'
  - 'tias.5:16'
  - 'tias.6:17'
  - 'tias.7:18'
  - 'tias.8:19'
  - 'tias.9:20'
  - 'tias.10:21'
  - 'tias.Guide:40'

# While targeting settings aren't necessary most of the time,
# they can help make running ally checks much faster if
# you are able to use them.

  # Whether or not all monsters are enemies.
  # If you are using pets that include zombies/spiders/etc,
  # you shouldn't enable this.
  # If you want to enable it for specific worlds, list out the
  # worlds it should apply to in a list format such as:
  # monsters-enemy:
  # - world1
  # - world2
  monsters-enemy: 'true'

  # Whether or not all passive mobs are allies.
  # If there are custom passive mobs that you can fight,
  # you should not enable this.
  # If you want to enable it for specific worlds, list out the
  # worlds it should apply to in a list format such as:
  # passive-ally:
  # - world1
  # - world2
  passive-ally: 'true'

  # Whether or not all players are allies.
  # If you have any PvP, this should not be enabled.
  # If you want to enable it for specific worlds, list out the
  # worlds it should apply to in a list format such as:
  # player-ally:
  # - world1
  # - world2
  player-ally: 'true'

  # Whether or not to check for player allies via Parties
  parties-ally: 'false'

  # Whether or not for skills to affect NPCs
  affect-npcs: 'false'

  # Whether or not for skills to affect armor stands
  affect-armor-stands: 'false'


  # Whether or not to auto save data periodically
  auto-save: 'true'

  # How often to auto-save in minutes
  minutes: '10'

  # Whether or not to use an SQL database to save
  sql-database: 'true'

  # Details for connecting to the database
    host: 'localhost'
    port: '3306'
    database: 'skillapi'
    username: 'root'
    password: 'password'
    # Time to wait on loading data from the SQL database in ticks.
    # Can be used to give time for other servers to synchronize data. Note:
    # this does not apply when loading player data on server startup since
    # players wouldn't be coming from another server.
    delay: '20'


  # Whether or not to use SkillAPI's health system
  modify-health: 'true'

  # The default health for players without a class
  classless-hp: '20'

  # Whether or not non-castable auto-leveled skills are shown
  show-auto-skills: 'false'

  # Whether or not attributes are enabled
  attributes-enabled: 'false'

  # Whether or not attributes can be refunded
  attributes-downgrade: 'false'

  # This casts the dynamic skill for the player when they level up,
  # allowing you to use dynamic mechanics for level up effects. If
  # there is no existing dynamic skill with the name, no effect
  # will be played. For level-specific effects, use the level condition.
  level-up-skill: '레벨'


  # Whether or not to use SkillAPI's mana system
  enabled: 'true'

  # How frequently mana is gained in seconds
  freq: '0'


  # Whether or not players are allowed to downgrade skills
  allow-downgrade: 'false'

  # Whether or not messages should be shown on casting a skill
  show-messages: 'false'

  # The radius in which to show cast messages to nearby players
  message-radius: '20'

  # Whether or not to apply damage knockback when damage is blocked
  # by defensive or offesnive buffs and debuffs
  knockback-no-damage: 'false'

  # Blocks to ignore when using the Block mechanic in dynamic skills
  # End values in an * to do all materials containing the value
  - 'chest'
  - 'ender chest'
  - 'trapped chest'
  - 'redstone*'
  - 'wall sign'
  - 'sign post'
  # Whether the 'data' or 'icon-data' entry in skill mechanics use CustomModelData (1.14+ only).
  # If false, defaults to material data or durability.
  use-custommodeldata: 'false'


  # Whether or not to check for class, level, and attribute
  # requirements in an item's lore
  lore-requirements: 'true'

  # Whether or not to check for skill requirements
  # in an item's lore
  skill-requirements: 'false'

  # Whether or not to check for stat bonuses in an item's lore
  lore-attributes: 'false'

  # Whether or not to drop weapons when unable to use them
  drop-weapon: 'false'

  # The text used for class requirements in the lore
  lore-class-text: '직업 제한: '

  # The text used for skill requirements in lore
  lore-skill-text: 'Requires {skill}: '

  # the text used for level requirements in the lore
  lore-level-text: '레벨 제한: '

  # The text used for excluded classes in the lore
  lore-exclude-text: 'Excluded Class: '

  # The text used for attribute requirements
  lore-attribute-text: '{attr} Req: '

  # The text used for providing attributes
  attribute-text: '{attr}: '

  # The slots to check for items in and apply requirements to.
  # This does not include held item, as that fluctuates and is assumed
  # Slots are based on the following:
  # 0-8 = hot bar
  # 9-35 = main inventory
  # 36 = boots
  # 37 = leggings
  # 38 = chestplate
  # 39 = helmet
  # 40 = off hand
  - '36'
  - '37'
  - '38'
  - '39'
  - '40'


  # Whether or not to lock the health bar to 10 hearts
  # This does not affect total health, only the display
  old-health-bar: 'true'

  # Whether or not to force SkillAPI to override
  # health scaling of other plugins
  force-scaling: 'true'

  # This is what to display using the level bar, if anything.
  # Options are: none, mana, level
  level-bar: 'level'

  # This is what to display using the food bar, if anything.
  # Options are: none, mana, exp
  food-bar: 'none'

  # Whether or not to use the action bar
  use-action-bar: 'true'

  # The text to display on the action bar.
  # Available filters:
  #   {combo}       - the player's current click combo
  #   {class}       - the player's main class name
  #   {level}       - the player's main class level
  #   {exp}         - the player's main class exp
  #   {expReq}      - the player's main class required experience
  #   {expLeft}     - the player's main class experience until the next level
  #   {health}      - the player's current health
  #   {maxHealth}   - the player's max health
  #   {mana}        - the player's current mana
  #   {maxMana}     - the player's max mana
  #   {name}        - the name of the player
  #   {attr}        - the player's attribute points
  #   {sp}          - the player's main class skill points
  #   {value:<key>} - a skill value
  action-bar-text: '&f&l[직업:{class}&f&l]  &a&l[체력:{health}/{maxHealth}]  &e&l[경험치:{exp}/{expReq}]  &b&l[스텟:{sp}]'

  # Whether or not to use title messages
  title-enabled: 'true'

  # Duration for title messages in seconds
  title-duration: '3'

  # Fade in time for title messages in seconds
  title-fade-in: '0.5'

  # Fade out time for title messages in seconds
  title-fade-out: '0.5'

  # Messages to display using the Title bar
  # Second lines of messages will be displayed in the subtitle
  # Ones you can use include:
  #   level_up
  #   exp_gained
  #   exp_lost
  #   status
  - 'level_up'

  # Whether or not to display class information on a scoreboard
  scoreboard-enabled: 'true'

  # Whether or not to add a prefix to players with their class name
  show-class-name: 'true'

  # Whether or not to display a player's level below their name
  show-class-level: 'true'

  # The text to show with the player's level when enabled.
  # This always appears as {level} {text}
  class-level-text: 'Level'

  # Whether or not to append text to skill icons to show what type of item the skill is bound to
  show-binds: 'false'

  # Text to show for bound materials
  show-bind-text: 'Bound to {material}'
  # Whether the 'data' or 'icon-data' entry in skill icons and tools uses CustomModelData (1.14+ only).
  # If false, defaults to material data.
  use-custommodeldata: 'false'

Click Combos: 

  # Whether or not to use click combinations
  enabled: 'true'

  # Whether or not players can customize their combos
  allow-custom: 'false'

  # Whether or not left clicks are allowed at all
  use-click-left: 'true'

  # Whether or not right clicks are allowed at all
  use-click-right: 'true'

  # Whether or not shift clicks are allowed at all
  use-click-shift: 'false'

  # How many clicks are needed to perform a combo
  combo-size: '1'

  # Inactivity time in seconds before clicks for a combo are reset
  click-time: '1.0'

  # Whether or not to automatically assign combos to skills
  # without a combo manually defined. When disabled, only skills
  # configured to have a combo or have had a combo set by
  # a command will have combos.
  auto-assign: 'true'

  # Whether or not right shift clicks are allowed at all
  # This will disable "use-click-shift" if enabled
  use-click-right-shift: 'false'

  # Whether or not left shift clicks are allowed at all
  # This will disable "use-click-shift" if enabled
  use-click-left-shift: 'false'

  # Whether or not jump clicks are allowed at all
  use-click-space: 'false'

  # Whether or not Q clicks are allowed at all.
  # Enabling this disables dropping items via Q outside of menus.
  use-click-q: 'false'
  # Whether or not F clicks are allowed at all.
  # Enabling this disables swapping items between main and off hand via F.
  use-click-f: 'false'

Skill Bar: 

  # Whether or not to use skill bars
  enabled: 'true'

  # Whether or not to show skill cooldowns in the skill bar
  show-cooldown: 'false'

  # The item to use as a placeholder in the skill bar
    material: 'BOOK'
    data: '0'
    text: '&6스킬창'
    durability: '0'

  # The default layout for skill bars
  # Players can customize unlocked slots
      skill: 'true'
      locked: 'false'
      skill: 'true'
      locked: 'false'
      skill: 'true'
      locked: 'false'
      skill: 'true'
      locked: 'false'
      skill: 'false'
      locked: 'false'
      skill: 'false'
      locked: 'false'
      skill: 'false'
      locked: 'false'
      skill: 'false'
      locked: 'false'
      skill: 'false'
      locked: 'false'


  # Whether or not to use vanilla exp drops for class exp
  # Note: any dropped exp will not count towards class exp,
  # only enabled sources will count. By default, this is only
  # mob deaths.
  use-exp-orbs: 'true'

  # Whether or not to prevent gaining experience from mobs
  # spawned via a mob spawner block
  block-mob-spawner: 'true'

  # Whether or not to prevent gaining experience from mobs
  # spawned via a mob spawn egg
  block-mob-egg: 'false'

  # Whether or not to prevent gaining experience while
  # in creative mode
  block-creative: 'true'

  # Whether or not to display a message when gaining experience
  exp-message-enabled: 'false'

  # Whether or not to display a message when gaining a level
  level-message-enabled: 'true'

  # Whether or not to show a message when losing exp de to dying
  lose-exp-message: 'true'

  # The formula used for calculating required experience
  # The formula is: x*lvl*lvl + y*lvl + z
    x: '4'
    y: '2'
    z: ''

  # Whether or not to use a custom equation
  use-custom: 'false'

  # The custom formula to use with 'lvl' being the current player level
  # Note: this formula does not use x, y, or z. Use numbers directly
  # in the formula instead.
  custom-formula: '25(1.1^(lvl-1))'

  # The experience yields from each mob type
  # When exp orbs are enabled, these values are ignored
    blaze: '5'
    cavespider: '5'
    creeper: '5'
    elderguardian: '5'
    enderdragon: '5'
    enderman: '5'
    endermite: '5'
    ghast: '5'
    giant: '5'
    guardian: '5'
    irongolem: '5'
    magmacube: '5'
    pigzombie: '5'
    player: '5'
    shulker: '5'
    silverfish: '5'
    skeleton: '5'
    slime: '5'
    spider: '5'
    witch: '5'
    wither: '5'
    witherskeleton: '5'
    zombie: '5'
    evoker: '10'
    husk: '2'
    stray: '5'
    vex: '3'
    vindicator: '5'

  # Worlds where experience is not lost on death
  - 'pvpWorld'

# How much logging to do when loading SkillAPI
# When testing setting up skills/classes, increase this to 1-5

  # Logs for loading attributes
  attribute-load: '0'

  # Logs for attack/defense buffs applying
  buff: '0'

  # Logs for registration of skills and classes
  registration: '0'

  # Logs for GUI updates
  gui: '0'

  # Logs for mana updates
  mana: '0'


  # Whether or not to enable the world restriction
  enable: 'true'

  # Whether or not to use the list as an enabling list
  # If true, only worlds in the list will let players use SkillAPI
  # If false, any world not in the list will let players use SkillAPI
  use-as-enabling: 'false'

  # The worlds to include in the enable/disable list
  - 'Faster'


  # Whether or not the main casting option is enabled
  enabled: 'false'

  # Whether or not to use the mult-bar implementation.
  # When enabled:
  # - Left/Right clicking on item opens skill bars
  # - Skills assigned through tree
  # - Preview when hovering in the skill bar
  # - Limited number of skills can be put on skill bars
  # When disabled:
  # - Left/Right clicking on item cycles through skills
  # - Preview when hovering the item
  # - No limit on skills (though makes cycling hard to find skills)
  bars: 'true'

  # Whether or not to use the combat bar implementation. Details:
  # - Specified slot becomes a toggle item
  # - Can optionally move over or require interacting (left, right, or drop) to swap modes
  # - Swaps between combat mode and passive mode
  # - In combat mode, works like the classic skill bar
  # - In passive mode, no skills are shown
  # - Passive and combat modes each have their own stored contents
  # - combat mode uses the skill bar settings
  combat: 'false'

  # Global cooldown between skill casts in seconds
  cooldown: '0'

  # Settings for skill target indicators that play effects
  # to show where a skill will hit

    # Whether or not the feature is enabled
    enabled: 'true'

    # How tightly to pack particles in the effect. A higher
    # density will play more particles. It represents the
    # amount of particles played per block units
    density: '1'

    # How often the particles are played for the effect
    # in plays per second
    frequency: '10'

    # How fast position animations happen in blocks per second
    animation: '1'

    # Particle to use when it has a target
      particle: 'crit'
      dx: '0'
      dy: '0'
      dz: '0'
      speed: '0'
      amount: '1'

  # The slot the item is kept in, must be in the range 1-9
  slot: '9'

  # The item to use in the cast slot.
  # When not using bars, this only shows up when no skills
  # are available for use.
    type: 'BOOK'
    data: '0'
    durability: '0'
    name: '&dSkills'
    - ''
    - '&6Left Click&2 - First skill set'
    - '&6Right Click&2 - Second skill set'
    - '&6Q&2 - Organize skills'

  # The item used in the bar GUI to describe the hover bar
    type: 'BOOKSHELF'
    data: '0'
    durability: '0'
    name: '&6Hover Bar'
    - ''
    - 'Skills in this row will'
    - 'be usable via left clicking'
    - 'the cast item and will let'
    - 'you see where they will hit'
    - 'before casting them.'

  # The item used in the bar GUI to describe the instant bar
    type: 'BOOKSHELF'
    data: '0'
    durability: '0'
    name: '&6Instant Bar'
    - ''
    - 'Skills in this row will'
    - 'be usable via right clicking'
    - 'the cast item and will be'
    - 'cast immediately when switching'
    - 'to their slot.'
yhdev7935 commented 3 years ago

Can you see this Video?

Sentropic commented 3 years ago

Does this happen only with the area target?

ajsj321 commented 3 years ago

No This bug also occurs in Cone, Linear.