SeokJongYu / Kepre

A epitope prediction system
MIT License
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adding T cell epitope analysis form #10

Closed SeokJongYu closed 6 years ago

SeokJongYu commented 6 years ago

create the analysis job of MHC-I binding prediction.

The analysis tools are downloaded from IEDB site

SeokJongYu commented 6 years ago

Data model for epitope prediction

For MHC I analysis, I need to create a data model for job submission. This data model stores the options for analysis and connects to the job controller for creation only, without modification.

Analysis forms for T Cell epitope

Field Datatype
input data FASTA
Prediction Method List (prediction methods)
Species List (Human, rat, mouse, ...)
Alleles List (alleles)
Output Sort List (Percentile rank, position in seq.)
Output Format List (Text, XML)
Field Datatype
input data FASTA
Prediction Method List (prediction methods)
Species/Locus List (Human, rat, mouse, ...)
Alleles List (alleles)
Output Sort List (Percentile rank, position in seq.)
Output Format List (Text, XML)
Field Datatype
input data FASTA
positions to mask List (Default, custom)
Custom option List (alleles)

Analysis forms for B Cell epitope

Filed Datatype
input data SWISS-Prot ID
input data2 Sequence
Prediction Method List (Bepipred Linear epitope,...)
Field Datatype
Step1 PDB ID
Step2 Chain ID
Version List
Field Datatype
seq PDB ID
min score List (0.5, 0.6, ...)
max distance List (4,5,6,7,8)
SeokJongYu commented 6 years ago

I should separate this task into the 3 sub-task.

  1. modeling of the analysis object and defining the result object
  2. modeling a polymorphic architecture for each analysis tool
  3. creating the analysis form