Seokju-Cho / Volumetric-Aggregation-Transformer

Official Implementation of VAT
MIT License
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Training time and logs #5

Open Jarvis73 opened 2 years ago

Jarvis73 commented 2 years ago

Hi, Seokju-Cho

Good work! This is a quite surprising job for few-shot segmentation.

I am trying to re-train VAT on PASCAL, but I find that it may take about 5 days on 4 Tesla V100 GPUs for 300 epochs.

Thanks a lot!

Anant4830 commented 1 year ago

Hello Jarvis,

I am also trying to train on pascal dataset. I am getting an error and not able to enter the for loop. Here is the code:- for idx, batch in enumerate(dataloader):

1. Hypercorrelation Squeeze Networks forward pass

    print("idx and batch are ========= ", idx,"\t", batch)
    batch = utils.to_cuda(batch)
    logit_mask = model(batch['query_img'], batch['support_imgs'].squeeze(1), batch['support_masks'].squeeze(1))
    pred_mask = logit_mask.argmax(dim=1)

Here, I am not able to enter the for loop.

How did you solve it? any solution is appreciated.