SeokjuLee / Insta-DM

Learning Monocular Depth in Dynamic Scenes via Instance-Aware Projection Consistency (AAAI 2021)
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backward and forward flows #13

Open bolianchen opened 2 years ago

bolianchen commented 2 years ago

Dear authors

I was wondering how you obtain the backward flow of the first frame and the forward flow of the last frame in a scene. Ex: there are 000.jpg, 001.jpg, 002.jpg in a scene 000.jpg, 001.jpg => forward_000.flo (no -001.jpg to compute backward_000.flo) 001.jpg, 002.jpg => forward_001.flo 001.jpg, 000.jpg => backward_001.flo 002.jpg, 001.jpg => backward_002.flo (no 003.jpg to compute backward_002.flo)

Thank you very much.

Best, Bolian

bolianchen commented 2 years ago

Dear authors

I just noticed the number of images in a scene is one less than the numbers of either forward or backward flows. With the same example (000.jpg, 001.jpg, 002.jpg in a scene), do you obtain the optical flows as follows? 000.jpg, 001.jpg => forward_000.flo 001.jpg, 000.jpg => backward_000.flo 001.jpg, 002.jpg => forward_001.flo 002.jpg, 001.jpg => backward_001.flo

Thanks. Best, Bolian