SeppPenner / SparkplugNet

SparkplugNet is a library to use the Sparkplug industrial IoT (IIoT) standard in .Net. It uses MQTTnet in the background.
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Not able to deserialize the sparkplug metric via System.Text.Json or Newtonsoft.Json. #98

Open malavvvakharia opened 6 months ago

malavvvakharia commented 6 months ago

For example below is the one example of JSON which I need to deserialize to List:


    "Name": "configuration/ABC",
    "Alias": null,
    "Timestamp": null,
    "IsHistorical": null,
    "IsTransient": null,
    "IsNull": false,
    "MetaData": null,
    "Properties": null,
    "Value": {
      "Version": "",
      "Metrics": [
          "Name": "product",
          "Alias": null,
          "Timestamp": null,
          "IsHistorical": null,
          "IsTransient": null,
          "IsNull": false,
          "MetaData": null,
          "Properties": null,
          "Value": "ABC",
          "DataType": 12
      "Parameters": [

      "TemplateRef": "",
      "IsDefinition": null
    "DataType": 19

C# code:

var metric = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Metric>>(metrics); var metric = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<Metric>>(metrics);

Now after deserialize, it will give value as null.


SeppPenner commented 5 months ago

What is metrics and where does it come from? The library is just there to serialize / deserialize data to / from Protobuf and to conveniently work with Sparkplug / Protobuf logic, but isn't optimized for JSON serialization (And I guess with the current model, this isn't even possible)...

SeppPenner commented 5 months ago

In my opinion, this shouldn't be part of the library as e.g. Annotations for System.Text.Json / Newtonsoft.Json would pollute the data models while the use case in the library is only Protobuf, not JSON...

SeppPenner commented 5 months ago

I might try something though. (Maybe extension packages).