SeptemberHX / joplin-plugin-bundle

Gather several plugins together into one panel with more elegant UI design!
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Please review work for potential copyright infringement #10

Open NGenetzky opened 2 years ago

NGenetzky commented 2 years ago

First, I want to thank you for contributing your time to this project. Next, I want to bring it to your attention that you are potentially infringing on the copyrights held by the authors of the projects whose code was copied into this project.

  1. Please consider reviewing the documentation mentioned.
  2. Please consider reaching out to the authors of those projects so that they can suggest the proper corrective actions to ensure this project does not violate their copyright.


Copyright holders:

bobpaul commented 1 year ago

It looks like all of the projects are MIT licensed. CalebJohn/joplin-inline-todo and ylc395/joplin-plugin-note-link-system are not obviously MIT licensed as they neither include a license file nor declare to github they are MIT licensed, but both declare via package.json they are MIT licensed. It would be good to get them to clarify their license, though. I've filed issues in both of those projects

Ensuring compliance with MIT is pretty simple as it's essentially "attribution required".

Check compliance with

As an outside observer, it's not entirely clear what's copied from other projects vs what's been custom developed. Technically MIT doesn't require that's clear. To comply you can have a single attributions or license file that contains all of the upstream MIT texts. But it might be worth putting code derived from upstream projects all in a folder of their own. That might also help with keeping up with upstream changes. I think ideally you might use git submodule to include the upstream projects and wrap or subclass their code rather than copy/paste/modify, but I see that's already on your TODO list. But including their whole repo or installing their module via package.json would both make license compliance a lot easier.