SerGreen / TheWitnessPuzzles

Puzzle game for Android and Windows, inspired by Jonathan Blow's "The Witness". Created using MonoGame.
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Intermittent crash when turning off screen #28

Open romainrichard opened 3 weeks ago

romainrichard commented 3 weeks ago

Sometimes when I turn off the screen, the app crashes when I turn it back on: IMG_20240620_135811

Unfortunately I can't reproduce it reliably. I did trigger it multiple times but it doesn't happen every time I turn off and on the screen. It seems to only happen when I turn off the screen screen 1-2s after launching the app, but since it's inconsistent it's hard to tell.

Looking at the stacktrace it seems to be a problem during the initialization. One reason this could be is if it loads all the solved and deleted puzzles because I've modified the app to remove the limit of 12 solved/deleted puzzles in the library. I wanted to be able to skip (delete) puzzles and come back later to solve them, and I didn't like being limited to skipping only 12 puzzles at a time. Currently I have about 200 solved puzzles and 20 deleted ones.

SerGreen commented 2 weeks ago

Interesting, thanks for reporting. And why did i even limit them to just 12? Idk lol. Should have made them unlimited like favourites.