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Information on Let's Encrypt generation / cron #74

Open trajche opened 3 years ago

trajche commented 3 years ago

Any information on what schedule/how often the certificate generation runs would be great. I migrated a production-ready site on a Saturday and now am left wondering if this is something that requires assistance from Seravo as the website is throwing an error Your connection is not private on browsers.

Even better would be the option to run Certbot through something like 'wp issue certificate'.

serter commented 3 years ago

The certs are issued whenever we detect that the site's dns name points to us, this is scanned roughly 4 times per hour. Certs are reissued near their expiration date with weeks of overlap.

In either case, the end user doesn't have to worry about it.

Thanks for the suggestion, we'll consider it for future improvements. As the LE cert validation (http-01 or dns-01) needs A/CNAME/TXT record to work, the automation usually does the job better.

TeemuSuoranta commented 3 years ago

I'd recommend also adding a tip to lower TTL before release as 1 hour TTL in domain might make SSL be delayed for 1 hour instead of next check cycle.