Serena-SHEN1011 / STA304

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Group 33 Yongqi Liu's comment #1

Open Cassieliu77 opened 5 days ago

Cassieliu77 commented 5 days ago

Great Job. Your website is formatted and gives me some simple details about who you are.

Strong positive points: The current website is easy to read and shows you can build one. Basically, you got how to set up a website.

Critical improvements needed: The website details need to be updated to contain more information/profile about you, such as your project/work experience.

Estimated mark: 60/100

Reason: It is a successfully working site, which is great. Try to make it more detailed and interesting, so that I can have more things to click after I enter the website.

XwX5855 commented 5 days ago

Well done! Your website is structured well and provides a brief introduction to who you are.

Positive highlights: The site is simple to navigate and demonstrates that you understand the basics of building a website. You’ve successfully set it up, which is a great start.

Areas for improvement: It would be beneficial to update the content to include more details about yourself, such as your projects and professional experience.



Reasoning: Your site works smoothly, which is excellent. However, by adding more engaging content, it could become more interesting and provide more for visitors to explore.