Serg-Norseman / GEDKeeper

GEDKeeper - program for work with personal genealogical database
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Incorrect relation calculated #478

Closed se-sss closed 12 months ago

se-sss commented 1 year ago




se-sss commented 1 year ago

curRel=rkSon prevRel=rkWifeFather prevprevRel=rkWife finRel=rkBrotherInLaw_W

Serg-Norseman commented 1 year ago

I found the problem, it is not in this algorithm at all and not even in GK. In 3-4 hours, as soon as possible, I will make commits.

The problem is in the EnumSet class from my BSLib library. Although the class is designed for ulong (64bit), mistakes were made in a couple of places and the maximum fit was 32bit. Because of this, and also because of recent improvements with the replenishment of types of relationships, some of them no longer fit in the container. I was lucky - I introduced two new rules to detail the current situation and was very surprised when I found that they did not work at all. Then it got easier...

Serg-Norseman commented 1 year ago

Have you checked? Does it work correctly in your case or is it still wrong?

se-sss commented 1 year ago

I have image image

se-sss commented 1 year ago

KKK - племянник F, А жека MMMM я бы ожидал

se-sss commented 1 year ago

Так выдаёт старая версия image И это правильно

Serg-Norseman commented 1 year ago

But according to the definition, an aunt's husband is an uncle, even if not his own, so I did it

Serg-Norseman commented 1 year ago

I'm afraid that the difference in the perception of definitions will constantly create problems)))

se-sss commented 1 year ago

Probably. Never heard idea that husband of aunt is also my uncle.

se-sss commented 1 year ago

А на улице так половина прохожих - дяди

Serg-Norseman commented 1 year ago

Probably. Never heard idea that husband of aunt is also my uncle.

Wiki. And in my family, the husband of my own aunt was an uncle, and I was his nephew. At least in everyday communication.

se-sss commented 1 year ago

Вообще, по хорошему эта штука должна подлежать ещё и локализации. Я как-то раз пересекался с китайцем в универе. У них там, например, брат старший и брат младший - это принципиальная разница и разное слово.

Serg-Norseman commented 1 year ago

Постепенная работа в этом плане идет. Недавно, например, для локализации на исландский были разделены пресловутые дяди и тети: как мне сообщили, обобщенные слова в исландском есть конечно, но нативными являются раздельные термины брат/сестра матери/отца. Вчера вот ввел дядя/тетя как муж тетки/жена дяди. Если такие неродные термины плохо применимы, в локализации их можно детализировать. Вот племянник/племянница всё равно останутся как есть.