Serg-Norseman / GEDKeeper

GEDKeeper - program for work with personal genealogical database
GNU General Public License v3.0
149 stars 44 forks source link

Quirks in macOS build #507

Open cbettinger opened 8 months ago

cbettinger commented 8 months ago

Today I started version 3.3.0 for the first time on my ARM64 macOS computer.

The first thing to mention, is that the list of languages to select from seems to be empty. Actually I think it has exactly one invisible entry (English), because the dialog can be closed using the Accept button and the UI then displays English labels.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-10-11 um 15 19 16

In the Options dialogue only English is available, too.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-10-11 um 15 25 40

As you can see in the next screenshot, the text color of selected grid rows is white (on white background). That should be the reason why the list of languages does not show the string English.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-10-11 um 15 19 53

The second thing to mention, is that all settings (e.g. the selected language) seem to be lost on a second start of the application.

cbettinger commented 8 months ago

Another thing is that the keyboard shortcuts are not macOS specific which is not exactly a bug but annoying ☺️

Serg-Norseman commented 8 months ago

I don't have macOS and can't support this implementation in any way. Two of my colleagues occasionally watched the work of GK in macOS, but they cannot constantly debug and solve problems.

Serg-Norseman commented 8 months ago

The problem with localizations is the inability to put these files in the default folder, which is hardcoded for all other implementations.

Recently, having returned to trying to implement GK based on Xamarin, I created a possible solution to this problem - embedding localizations into the binary for those platforms where they cannot be put in a folder. But there is no one to adapt and test the solution for macOS.