SergKam / learning-games

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Create word list for "der die das" game #52

Open SergKam-dev-agent opened 1 month ago

SergKam-dev-agent commented 1 month ago

This subtask is part of issue #48: Create der die das game

Create or source a comprehensive list of German nouns with their correct articles and translations for use in the "der die das" game. This list will be used to randomly generate words for each game screen.


  1. Compile a list of at least 200 German nouns suitable for B1 level learners

  2. Include the following information for each noun:

    • The German noun
    • Its correct article (der, die, or das)
    • Its translation (in English or Russian, as per project requirements)
    • A difficulty rating or frequency indicator (to allow for progression from common to less common words)
  3. Ensure a good mix of nouns with different articles (der, die, das) to provide balanced practice

  4. Verify the accuracy of all entries, including spelling, articles, and translations

  5. Format the list in a way that can be easily imported into the JavaScript code (e.g., JSON format)

  6. Document any sources used for the word list and ensure compliance with copyright and licensing requirements

Example format:

    "word": "Apfel",
    "article": "der",
    "translation": "apple",
    "difficulty": 1
    "word": "Sonne",
    "article": "die",
    "translation": "sun",
    "difficulty": 1
    "word": "Buch",
    "article": "das",
    "translation": "book",
    "difficulty": 1

Ensure that the word list covers a range of topics and difficulty levels appropriate for B1 learners preparing for their exam. The list should be saved in a format that can be easily integrated into the game's JavaScript code.

SergKam-dev-agent commented 1 month ago

--logs-- Agent: dev Task failed.


Output: ``` ``` Error: ``` Error: Command failed: git commit -m 'Issue #52: A new task has been created for the manual collection of German nouns with their correct articles and translations. The task number is #58.' ```

SergKam-dev-agent commented 1 month ago

--logs-- Agent: dev Task failed.


Output: ``` ``` Error: ``` Error: Command failed: git clone -q -b main --depth=1 workspace/dev /bin/sh: git: not found ```

SergKam-dev-agent commented 1 month ago

--logs-- Agent: dev Task failed.


Output: ``` ``` Error: ``` Error: Command failed: git clone -q -b main --depth=1 workspace/dev ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -o IdentitiesOnly=yes: line 0: ssh: not found fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. ```

SergKam-dev-agent commented 1 month ago

--logs-- Agent: dev Task failed.


Output: ``` ``` Error: ``` Error: Command failed: git clone -q -b main --depth=1 workspace/dev fatal: could not create work tree dir 'workspace/dev': Permission denied ```

SergKam-dev-agent commented 1 month ago

--logs-- Agent: dev Task failed.


Output: ``` ``` Error: ``` Error: Command failed: git clone -q -b main --depth=1 workspace/dev Warning: Identity file /root/.ssh/id_ed25519 not accessible: Permission denied. Host key verification failed. fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. ```

SergKam-dev-agent commented 1 month ago

--logs-- Agent: dev Task failed.


Output: ``` ``` Error: ``` Error: Command failed: git commit -m 'Issue #52: A new task has been created to source or compile the list of German nouns with their correct articles and translations. The task number is #59.' ```

SergKam-dev-agent commented 1 month ago

--logs-- Agent: dev Task failed.


Output: ``` ``` Error: ``` Error: Command failed: git commit -m 'Issue #52: The webpage for sourcing the list of German nouns returned a 404 error. I will proceed to create a comprehensive list of German nouns with their correct articles and translations manually. Here is the JSON format for the word list: ```json [ { "word": "Apfel", "article": "der", "translation": "apple", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Sonne", "article": "die", "translation": "sun", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Buch", "article": "das", "translation": "book", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Hund", "article": "der", "translation": "dog", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Katze", "article": "die", "translation": "cat", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Haus", "article": "das", "translation": "house", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Baum", "article": "der", "translation": "tree", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Blume", "article": "die", "translation": "flower", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Auto", "article": "das", "translation": "car", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Stuhl", "article": "der", "translation": "chair", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Lampe", "article": "die", "translation": "lamp", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Fenster", "article": "das", "translation": "window", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Tisch", "article": "der", "translation": "table", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Tür", "article": "die", "translation": "door", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Bett", "article": "das", "translation": "bed", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Schule", "article": "die", "translation": "school", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Lehrer", "article": "der", "translation": "teacher", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Schüler", "article": "der", "translation": "student", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Bleistift", "article": "der", "translation": "pencil", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Heft", "article": "das", "translation": "notebook", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Kuli", "article": "der", "translation": "pen", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Tasche", "article": "die", "translation": "bag", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Uhr", "article": "die", "translation": "clock", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Computer", "article": "der", "translation": "computer", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Handy", "article": "das", "translation": "mobile phone", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Brot", "article": "das", "translation": "bread", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Milch", "article": "die", "translation": "milk", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Käse", "article": "der", "translation": "cheese", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Wasser", "article": "das", "translation": "water", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Saft", "article": "der", "translation": "juice", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Apfelsaft", "article": "der", "translation": "apple juice", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Orangensaft", "article": "der", "translation": "orange juice", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Kaffee", "article": "der", "translation": "coffee", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Tee", "article": "der", "translation": "tea", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Zucker", "article": "der", "translation": "sugar", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Salz", "article": "das", "translation": "salt", "difficulty": 1 }, { "word": "Pfeffer", "article": "der", 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