SergeyIvanov87 / Code-Metric-Visualizer-Platform

Docker image for `pmccabe_visualizer`
4 stars 0 forks source link

Build functional tests failed on rrd_select sometimes #58

Closed SergeyIvanov87 closed 2 days ago

SergeyIvanov87 commented 5 days ago

Check MOCK pipe correctness serving as an idea

SergeyIvanov87 commented 5 days ago
 Network pmccabe_visualizer_docker_default  Creating
 Network pmccabe_visualizer_docker_default  Created
 Volume "pmccabe_visualizer_docker_api.pmccabe_collector.rrd.rrd_analytic"  Creating
 Volume "pmccabe_visualizer_docker_api.pmccabe_collector.rrd.rrd_analytic"  Created
 Volume "pmccabe_visualizer_docker_api.pmccabe_collector.project.rrd.test"  Creating
 Volume "pmccabe_visualizer_docker_api.pmccabe_collector.project.rrd.test"  Created
 Volume "pmccabe_visualizer_docker_test_aggregator_logs_storage"  Creating
 Volume "pmccabe_visualizer_docker_test_aggregator_logs_storage"  Created
 Volume ""  Creating
 Volume ""  Created
 Volume ""  Creating
 Volume ""  Created
 Volume ""  Creating
 Volume ""  Created
 Volume ""  Creating
 Volume ""  Created
 Volume ""  Creating
 Volume ""  Created
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-test_pseudo_fs-1  Creating
 Container api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng  Creating
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-test_aggregator-1  Creating
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-test_aggregator-1  Created
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-test_pseudo_fs-1  Created
 Container api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng  Created
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  Creating
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-cc_visualizer-1  Creating
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  Created
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-cc_visualizer-1  Created
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-cc_functional_tester-1  Creating
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-rrd_analytic-1  Creating
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-rrd_analytic-1  Created
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-rest_api-1  Creating
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-cc_functional_tester-1  Created
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-service_broker-1  Creating
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-rrd_functional_tester-1  Creating
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-rest_api-1  Created
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-rest_api_functional_service_tester-1  Creating
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-service_broker-1  Created
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-service_broker_functional_tester-1  Creating
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-rrd_functional_tester-1  Created
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-service_broker_functional_tester-1  Created
 Container pmccabe_visualizer_docker-rest_api_functional_service_tester-1  Created
Attaching to api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng, cc_functional_tester-1, cc_visualizer-1, rest_api-1, rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1, rest_api_functional_service_tester-1, rrd_analytic-1, rrd_functional_tester-1, service_broker-1, service_broker_functional_tester-1, test_aggregator-1, test_pseudo_fs-1
test_aggregator-1                      | 7f3b55180e53
test_aggregator-1                      | Wait until syslog-ng SSH server started
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng
test_aggregator-1                      | ssh: connect to host api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng port 22: Connection refused
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | ssh-keygen: generating new host keys: RSA ECDSA ED25519 
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | [migrations] started
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | [migrations] no migrations found
rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  | run Mock API servers:
rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  | /tests/services/ has been started
rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  | /tests/services/ has been started
rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  | /tests/services/ has been started
rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  | wait for termination
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | ───────────────────────────────────────
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | 
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        |       ██╗     ███████╗██╗ ██████╗
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        |       ██║     ██╔════╝██║██╔═══██╗
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        |       ██║     ███████╗██║██║   ██║
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        |       ██║     ╚════██║██║██║   ██║
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        |       ███████╗███████║██║╚██████╔╝
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        |       ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | 
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        |    Brought to you by
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | ───────────────────────────────────────
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | 
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | To support LSIO projects visit:
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        |
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | 
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | ───────────────────────────────────────
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | GID/UID
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | ───────────────────────────────────────
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | 
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | User UID:    0
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | User GID:    0
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | ───────────────────────────────────────
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | 
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | [custom-init] No custom files found, skipping...
api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng        | [] done.
test_aggregator-1                      | Warning: Permanently added 'api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
test_aggregator-1                      | Linux api.pmccabe_collector.syslog-ng 6.5.0-1022-azure #23~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu May  9 17:59:24 UTC 2024 x86_64 GNU/Linux
test_aggregator-1                      | Setup signal handlers
test_aggregator-1                      | Running as user "root" and group "root". This could be dangerous.
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.015][24][info][main] [source/server/] initializing epoch 0 (base id=0, hot restart version=11.104)
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.015][24][info][main] [source/server/] statically linked extensions:
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.016][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.load_balancing_policies: envoy.load_balancing_policies.cluster_provided, envoy.load_balancing_policies.least_request, envoy.load_balancing_policies.maglev, envoy.load_balancing_policies.random, envoy.load_balancing_policies.ring_hash, envoy.load_balancing_policies.round_robin, envoy.load_balancing_policies.subset
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.016][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.access_loggers.extension_filters: envoy.access_loggers.extension_filters.cel
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.016][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.config.validators: envoy.config.validators.minimum_clusters, envoy.config.validators.minimum_clusters_validator
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.017][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.clusters: envoy.cluster.eds, envoy.cluster.logical_dns, envoy.cluster.original_dst, envoy.cluster.static, envoy.cluster.strict_dns, envoy.clusters.aggregate, envoy.clusters.dynamic_forward_proxy, envoy.clusters.redis
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.017][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.wasm.runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null, envoy.wasm.runtime.v8
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.017][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.thrift_proxy.transports: auto, framed, header, unframed
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.018][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.http.stateful_session: envoy.http.stateful_session.cookie, envoy.http.stateful_session.header
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.018][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.dubbo_proxy.filters: envoy.filters.dubbo.router
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.018][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.matching.input_matchers: envoy.matching.matchers.cel_matcher, envoy.matching.matchers.consistent_hashing, envoy.matching.matchers.ip, envoy.matching.matchers.runtime_fraction
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.019][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.quic.connection_id_generator: envoy.quic.deterministic_connection_id_generator
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.019][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.udp_packet_writer: envoy.udp_packet_writer.default, envoy.udp_packet_writer.gso
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.019][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.route_config_update_requester: envoy.route_config_update_requester.default
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.019][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.config_mux: envoy.config_mux.delta_grpc_mux_factory, envoy.config_mux.grpc_mux_factory, envoy.config_mux.new_grpc_mux_factory, envoy.config_mux.sotw_grpc_mux_factory
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.019][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.path.match: envoy.path.match.uri_template.uri_template_matcher
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.019][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.geoip_providers: envoy.geoip_providers.maxmind
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/] envoy.matching.custom_matchers.trie_matcher
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.tracers.opentelemetry.samplers: envoy.tracers.opentelemetry.samplers.always_on, envoy.tracers.opentelemetry.samplers.dynatrace
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.common.key_value: envoy.key_value.file_based
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.route.early_data_policy: envoy.route.early_data_policy.default
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.tracers.opentelemetry.resource_detectors: envoy.tracers.opentelemetry.resource_detectors.dynatrace, envoy.tracers.opentelemetry.resource_detectors.environment
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.upstream_options: envoy.extensions.upstreams.http.v3.HttpProtocolOptions, envoy.extensions.upstreams.tcp.v3.TcpProtocolOptions, envoy.upstreams.http.http_protocol_options, envoy.upstreams.tcp.tcp_protocol_options
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.access_loggers: envoy.access_loggers.file, envoy.access_loggers.fluentd, envoy.access_loggers.http_grpc, envoy.access_loggers.open_telemetry, envoy.access_loggers.stderr, envoy.access_loggers.stdout, envoy.access_loggers.tcp_grpc, envoy.access_loggers.wasm, envoy.file_access_log, envoy.fluentd_access_log, envoy.http_grpc_access_log, envoy.open_telemetry_access_log, envoy.stderr_access_log, envoy.stdout_access_log, envoy.tcp_grpc_access_log, envoy.wasm_access_log
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.path.rewrite: envoy.path.rewrite.uri_template.uri_template_rewriter
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.filters.listener: envoy.filters.listener.http_inspector, envoy.filters.listener.local_ratelimit, envoy.filters.listener.original_dst, envoy.filters.listener.original_src, envoy.filters.listener.proxy_protocol, envoy.filters.listener.tls_inspector, envoy.listener.http_inspector, envoy.listener.original_dst, envoy.listener.original_src, envoy.listener.proxy_protocol, envoy.listener.tls_inspector
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.http.cache: envoy.extensions.http.cache.file_system_http_cache, envoy.extensions.http.cache.simple
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.resolvers: envoy.ip
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.router.cluster_specifier_plugin: envoy.router.cluster_specifier_plugin.lua
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.rbac.matchers: envoy.rbac.matchers.upstream_ip_port
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.matching.http.custom_matchers: envoy.matching.custom_matchers.trie_matcher
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.srds_factory: envoy.srds_factory.default
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.tls.cert_validator: envoy.tls.cert_validator.default, envoy.tls.cert_validator.spiffe
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.upstream.local_address_selector: envoy.upstream.local_address_selector.default_local_address_selector
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.filters.http: envoy.bandwidth_limit, envoy.buffer, envoy.cors, envoy.csrf, envoy.ext_authz, envoy.ext_proc, envoy.fault, envoy.filters.http.adaptive_concurrency, envoy.filters.http.admission_control, envoy.filters.http.alternate_protocols_cache, envoy.filters.http.aws_lambda, envoy.filters.http.aws_request_signing, envoy.filters.http.bandwidth_limit, envoy.filters.http.basic_auth, envoy.filters.http.buffer, envoy.filters.http.cache, envoy.filters.http.cdn_loop, envoy.filters.http.composite, envoy.filters.http.compressor, envoy.filters.http.connect_grpc_bridge, envoy.filters.http.cors, envoy.filters.http.credential_injector, envoy.filters.http.csrf, envoy.filters.http.custom_response, envoy.filters.http.decompressor, envoy.filters.http.dynamic_forward_proxy, envoy.filters.http.ext_authz, envoy.filters.http.ext_proc, envoy.filters.http.fault, envoy.filters.http.file_system_buffer, envoy.filters.http.gcp_authn, envoy.filters.http.geoip, envoy.filters.http.grpc_field_extraction, envoy.filters.http.grpc_http1_bridge, envoy.filters.http.grpc_http1_reverse_bridge, envoy.filters.http.grpc_json_transcoder, envoy.filters.http.grpc_stats, envoy.filters.http.grpc_web, envoy.filters.http.header_mutation, envoy.filters.http.header_to_metadata, envoy.filters.http.health_check, envoy.filters.http.ip_tagging, envoy.filters.http.json_to_metadata, envoy.filters.http.jwt_authn, envoy.filters.http.local_ratelimit, envoy.filters.http.lua, envoy.filters.http.match_delegate, envoy.filters.http.oauth2, envoy.filters.http.on_demand, envoy.filters.http.original_src, envoy.filters.http.rate_limit_quota, envoy.filters.http.ratelimit, envoy.filters.http.rbac, envoy.filters.http.router, envoy.filters.http.set_filter_state, envoy.filters.http.set_metadata, envoy.filters.http.stateful_session, envoy.filters.http.tap, envoy.filters.http.wasm, envoy.geoip, envoy.grpc_http1_bridge, envoy.grpc_json_transcoder, envoy.grpc_web, envoy.health_check, envoy.ip_tagging, envoy.local_rate_limit, envoy.lua, envoy.rate_limit, envoy.router
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.dubbo_proxy.protocols: dubbo
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/],
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.matching.common_inputs: envoy.matching.common_inputs.environment_variable
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.string_matcher: envoy.string_matcher.lua
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.health_check.event_sinks: envoy.health_check.event_sink.file
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.transport_sockets.upstream: envoy.transport_sockets.alts, envoy.transport_sockets.http_11_proxy, envoy.transport_sockets.internal_upstream, envoy.transport_sockets.quic, envoy.transport_sockets.raw_buffer, envoy.transport_sockets.starttls, envoy.transport_sockets.tap, envoy.transport_sockets.tcp_stats, envoy.transport_sockets.tls, envoy.transport_sockets.upstream_proxy_protocol, raw_buffer, starttls, tls
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.filters.udp.session: envoy.filters.udp.session.dynamic_forward_proxy, envoy.filters.udp.session.http_capsule
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.health_checkers: envoy.health_checkers.grpc, envoy.health_checkers.http, envoy.health_checkers.redis, envoy.health_checkers.tcp, envoy.health_checkers.thrift
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.dubbo_proxy.serializers: dubbo.hessian2
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.thrift_proxy.filters: envoy.filters.thrift.header_to_metadata, envoy.filters.thrift.payload_to_metadata, envoy.filters.thrift.rate_limit, envoy.filters.thrift.router
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.rate_limit_descriptors: envoy.rate_limit_descriptors.expr
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.quic.server.crypto_stream: envoy.quic.crypto_stream.server.quiche
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/] envoy.echo, envoy.ext_authz,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, envoy.http_connection_manager, envoy.mongo_proxy, envoy.ratelimit, envoy.redis_proxy, envoy.tcp_proxy
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.compression.compressor: envoy.compression.brotli.compressor, envoy.compression.gzip.compressor, envoy.compression.zstd.compressor
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.transport_sockets.downstream: envoy.transport_sockets.alts, envoy.transport_sockets.quic, envoy.transport_sockets.raw_buffer, envoy.transport_sockets.starttls, envoy.transport_sockets.tap, envoy.transport_sockets.tcp_stats, envoy.transport_sockets.tls, raw_buffer, starttls, tls
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.listener_manager_impl: envoy.listener_manager_impl.default, envoy.listener_manager_impl.validation
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.matching.action: envoy.matching.actions.format_string, filter-chain-name
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.thrift_proxy.protocols: auto, binary, binary/non-strict, compact, twitter
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   quic.http_server_connection: quic.http_server_connection.default
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.bootstrap: envoy.bootstrap.internal_listener, envoy.bootstrap.wasm,
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   filter_state.object: envoy.filters.listener.original_dst.local_ip, envoy.filters.listener.original_dst.remote_ip,,,,, envoy.string, envoy.tcp_proxy.cluster, envoy.tcp_proxy.disable_tunneling, envoy.tcp_proxy.per_connection_idle_timeout_ms, envoy.upstream.dynamic_host, envoy.upstream.dynamic_port
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.http.stateful_header_formatters: envoy.http.stateful_header_formatters.preserve_case, preserve_case
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.upstreams: envoy.filters.connection_pools.tcp.generic
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.filters.udp_listener: envoy.filters.udp.dns_filter, envoy.filters.udp_listener.udp_proxy
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/] envoy.matching.inputs.application_protocol, envoy.matching.inputs.destination_ip, envoy.matching.inputs.destination_port, envoy.matching.inputs.direct_source_ip, envoy.matching.inputs.dns_san, envoy.matching.inputs.filter_state, envoy.matching.inputs.server_name, envoy.matching.inputs.source_ip, envoy.matching.inputs.source_port, envoy.matching.inputs.source_type, envoy.matching.inputs.subject, envoy.matching.inputs.transport_protocol, envoy.matching.inputs.uri_san
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.grpc_credentials: envoy.grpc_credentials.aws_iam, envoy.grpc_credentials.default, envoy.grpc_credentials.file_based_metadata
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.formatter: envoy.formatter.cel, envoy.formatter.metadata, envoy.formatter.req_without_query
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.http.early_header_mutation: envoy.http.early_header_mutation.header_mutation
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.matching.http.input: envoy.matching.inputs.cel_data_input, envoy.matching.inputs.destination_ip, envoy.matching.inputs.destination_port, envoy.matching.inputs.direct_source_ip, envoy.matching.inputs.dns_san, envoy.matching.inputs.filter_state, envoy.matching.inputs.request_headers, envoy.matching.inputs.request_trailers, envoy.matching.inputs.response_headers, envoy.matching.inputs.response_trailers, envoy.matching.inputs.server_name, envoy.matching.inputs.source_ip, envoy.matching.inputs.source_port, envoy.matching.inputs.source_type, envoy.matching.inputs.status_code_class_input, envoy.matching.inputs.status_code_input, envoy.matching.inputs.subject, envoy.matching.inputs.uri_san, query_params
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.tracers: envoy.dynamic.ot, envoy.tracers.datadog, envoy.tracers.dynamic_ot, envoy.tracers.opencensus, envoy.tracers.opentelemetry, envoy.tracers.skywalking, envoy.tracers.xray, envoy.tracers.zipkin, envoy.zipkin
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.http.original_ip_detection: envoy.http.original_ip_detection.custom_header, envoy.http.original_ip_detection.xff
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.config_subscription:, envoy.config_subscription.ads_collection, envoy.config_subscription.aggregated_grpc_collection, envoy.config_subscription.delta_grpc, envoy.config_subscription.delta_grpc_collection, envoy.config_subscription.filesystem, envoy.config_subscription.filesystem_collection, envoy.config_subscription.grpc,
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.connection_handler: envoy.connection_handler.default
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.quic.proof_source: envoy.quic.proof_source.filter_chain
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.regex_engines: envoy.regex_engines.google_re2
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.http.custom_response: envoy.extensions.http.custom_response.local_response_policy, envoy.extensions.http.custom_response.redirect_policy
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.internal_redirect_predicates: envoy.internal_redirect_predicates.allow_listed_routes, envoy.internal_redirect_predicates.previous_routes, envoy.internal_redirect_predicates.safe_cross_scheme
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.quic.server_preferred_address: quic.server_preferred_address.fixed
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.resource_monitors: envoy.resource_monitors.fixed_heap, envoy.resource_monitors.injected_resource
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.retry_host_predicates: envoy.retry_host_predicates.omit_canary_hosts, envoy.retry_host_predicates.omit_host_metadata, envoy.retry_host_predicates.previous_hosts
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   network.connection.client: default, envoy_internal
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.stats_sinks: envoy.dog_statsd, envoy.graphite_statsd, envoy.metrics_service, envoy.open_telemetry_stat_sink, envoy.stat_sinks.dog_statsd, envoy.stat_sinks.graphite_statsd, envoy.stat_sinks.hystrix, envoy.stat_sinks.metrics_service, envoy.stat_sinks.open_telemetry, envoy.stat_sinks.statsd, envoy.stat_sinks.wasm, envoy.statsd
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.http.header_validators: envoy.http.header_validators.envoy_default
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.guarddog_actions: envoy.watchdog.abort_action, envoy.watchdog.profile_action
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.request_id: envoy.request_id.uuid
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.filters.http.upstream: envoy.buffer, envoy.ext_proc, envoy.filters.http.admission_control, envoy.filters.http.aws_lambda, envoy.filters.http.aws_request_signing, envoy.filters.http.buffer, envoy.filters.http.composite, envoy.filters.http.ext_proc, envoy.filters.http.header_mutation, envoy.filters.http.match_delegate, envoy.filters.http.upstream_codec
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.retry_priorities: envoy.retry_priorities.previous_priorities
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.compression.decompressor: envoy.compression.brotli.decompressor, envoy.compression.gzip.decompressor, envoy.compression.zstd.decompressor
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.020][24][info][main] [source/server/]   envoy.http.injected_credentials: envoy.http.injected_credentials.generic
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.023][24][info][main] [source/server/] HTTP header map info:
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.024][24][info][main] [source/server/]   request header map: 664 bytes: :authority,:method,:path,:protocol,:scheme,accept,accept-encoding,access-control-request-headers,access-control-request-method,access-control-request-private-network,authentication,authorization,cache-control,cdn-loop,connection,content-encoding,content-length,content-type,expect,grpc-accept-encoding,grpc-timeout,if-match,if-modified-since,if-none-match,if-range,if-unmodified-since,keep-alive,origin,pragma,proxy-connection,proxy-status,referer,te,transfer-encoding,upgrade,user-agent,via,x-client-trace-id,x-envoy-attempt-count,x-envoy-decorator-operation,x-envoy-downstream-service-cluster,x-envoy-downstream-service-node,x-envoy-expected-rq-timeout-ms,x-envoy-external-address,x-envoy-force-trace,x-envoy-hedge-on-per-try-timeout,x-envoy-internal,x-envoy-ip-tags,x-envoy-is-timeout-retry,x-envoy-max-retries,x-envoy-original-path,x-envoy-original-url,x-envoy-retriable-header-names,x-envoy-retriable-status-codes,x-envoy-retry-grpc-on,x-envoy-retry-on,x-envoy-upstream-alt-stat-name,x-envoy-upstream-rq-per-try-timeout-ms,x-envoy-upstream-rq-timeout-alt-response,x-envoy-upstream-rq-timeout-ms,x-envoy-upstream-stream-duration-ms,x-forwarded-client-cert,x-forwarded-for,x-forwarded-host,x-forwarded-port,x-forwarded-proto,x-ot-span-context,x-request-id
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.024][24][info][main] [source/server/]   request trailer map: 120 bytes: 
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.025][24][info][main] [source/server/]   response header map: 432 bytes: :status,access-control-allow-credentials,access-control-allow-headers,access-control-allow-methods,access-control-allow-origin,access-control-allow-private-network,access-control-expose-headers,access-control-max-age,age,cache-control,connection,content-encoding,content-length,content-type,date,etag,expires,grpc-message,grpc-status,keep-alive,last-modified,location,proxy-connection,proxy-status,server,transfer-encoding,upgrade,vary,via,x-envoy-attempt-count,x-envoy-decorator-operation,x-envoy-degraded,x-envoy-immediate-health-check-fail,x-envoy-ratelimited,x-envoy-upstream-canary,x-envoy-upstream-healthchecked-cluster,x-envoy-upstream-service-time,x-request-id
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.025][24][info][main] [source/server/]   response trailer map: 144 bytes: grpc-message,grpc-status
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.032][24][info][main] [source/server/] runtime: {}
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.033][24][info][main] [source/server/] No admin address given, so no admin HTTP server started.
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.033][24][info][config] [source/server/] loading tracing configuration
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.033][24][info][config] [source/server/] loading 0 static secret(s)
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.033][24][info][config] [source/server/] loading 1 cluster(s)
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.034][24][info][config] [source/server/] loading 1 listener(s)
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.035][24][info][config] [source/server/] loading stats configuration
Warning: egator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.036][24][warning][main] [source/server/] There is no configured limit to the number of allowed active downstream connections. Configure a limit in `envoy.resource_monitors.downstream_connections` resource monitor.
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.036][24][info][main] [source/server/] starting main dispatch loop
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.037][24][info][runtime] [source/common/runtime/] RTDS has finished initialization
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.037][24][info][upstream] [source/common/upstream/] cm init: all clusters initialized
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.037][24][info][main] [source/server/] all clusters initialized. initializing init manager
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:04:17.037][24][info][config] [source/common/listener_manager/] all dependencies initialized. starting workers
test_aggregator-1                      | Capturing on 'any'
test_aggregator-1                      |  ** (tshark:16) 07:04:17.202082 [Main MESSAGE] -- Capture started.
test_aggregator-1                      |  ** (tshark:16) 07:04:17.202115 [Main MESSAGE] -- File: "/tmp/wireshark_anyNF2AQ2.pcapng"
cc_visualizer-1                        | /package/ line 15: git: command not found
cc_visualizer-1                        | run API listeners:
cc_visualizer-1                        | /package/services/ has been started
cc_visualizer-1                        | /package/services/ has been started
cc_visualizer-1                        | /package/services/ has been started
cc_visualizer-1                        | /package/services/ has been started
cc_visualizer-1                        | /package/services/ has been started
cc_visualizer-1                        | /package/services/ has been started
cc_visualizer-1                        | /package/services/ has been started
cc_visualizer-1                        | /package/services/ has been started
cc_visualizer-1                        | Setting up watches.
cc_visualizer-1                        | Watches established.
cc_visualizer-1                        | Setting up watches.
cc_visualizer-1                        | Watches established.
cc_visualizer-1                        | Setting up watches.
cc_visualizer-1                        | Watches established.
cc_visualizer-1                        | Setting up watches.
cc_visualizer-1                        | Watches established.
cc_functional_tester-1                 | Run tests:
rrd_analytic-1                         | Setup signal handlers
rrd_analytic-1                         | run API listeners:
rrd_analytic-1                         | /package/services/ has been started
rrd_analytic-1                         | /package/services/ has been started
rrd_analytic-1                         | /package/services/ has been started
rrd_analytic-1                         | /package/services/ has been started
rrd_analytic-1                         | /package/services/ has been started
rrd_analytic-1                         | /package/services/ has been started
rrd_analytic-1                         | /package/services/ has been started
rrd_analytic-1                         | /package/services/ has been started
rrd_analytic-1                         | /package/services/ has been started
rrd_analytic-1                         | /package/services/ has been started
rrd_analytic-1                         | /package/services/ has been started
rrd_analytic-1                         | /package/services/ has been started
rrd_analytic-1                         | Setting up watches.
rrd_analytic-1                         | Watches established.
rrd_analytic-1                         | Setting up watches.
rrd_analytic-1                         | Watches established.
rrd_analytic-1                         | Setting up watches.
rrd_analytic-1                         | Watches established.
rrd_analytic-1                         | Setting up watches.
rrd_analytic-1                         | Watches established.
rrd_analytic-1                         | Setting up watches.
rrd_analytic-1                         | Watches established.
rrd_analytic-1                         | Setting up watches.
rrd_analytic-1                         | Watches established.
cc_functional_tester-1                 | ============================= test session starts ==============================
cc_functional_tester-1                 | platform linux -- Python 3.12.3, pytest-8.2.2, pluggy-1.5.0
cc_functional_tester-1                 | rootdir: /tests
cc_functional_tester-1                 | collected 4 items
cc_functional_tester-1                 | 
cc_functional_tester-1                 | ....
cc_functional_tester-1                 | 
cc_functional_tester-1                 | ============================== 4 passed in 0.02s ===============================
rest_api-1                             | Setup signal handlers
rest_api-1                             | DEBUG CMD:
rest_api-1                             | cp ../rest_api_server/rest_api_server/ ../rest_api_server/rest_api_server/ && ../ ../restored_API /api >> ../rest_api_server/rest_api_server/
rest_api-1                             | flask --app rest_api_server run --host
service_broker-1                       | /package/ line 21: /api/ No such file or directory
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Generate REST_API CGIs from imported API entry point
cc_functional_tester-1                 | ============================= test session starts ==============================
cc_functional_tester-1                 | platform linux -- Python 3.12.3, pytest-8.2.2, pluggy-1.5.0
cc_functional_tester-1                 | rootdir: /tests
cc_functional_tester-1                 | collected 4 items
cc_functional_tester-1                 | 
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Start REST_API server
rrd_functional_tester-1                | Create CC API which RRD depends on
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22: request 0
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    START    [#####]: /api/  args:   0
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22: request 0
service_broker-1                       | crond: crond (busybox 1.36.1) started, log level 0
service_broker-1                       | crond: user:root entry:* * * * *   true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && touch run_rrd.json && [ -e run_rrd.json ] && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && rm run_rrd.json && true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && false
service_broker-1                       | 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
service_broker-1                       | 111111111111111111111111
service_broker-1                       | 11111111111111111111111111111111
service_broker-1                       | 111111111111
service_broker-1                       | 1111111
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    START    [#####]: /api/   args:   0
rrd_functional_tester-1                | Mock CC API for standalone functional tests only
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22: request 0
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    START    [#####]: /api/ args:   0
rrd_functional_tester-1                | Run tests:
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    FINISH    [#####]: /api/    args:   0 
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    FINISH    [#####]: /api/  args:   0 
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    FINISH    [#####]: /api/ args:   0 
cc_functional_tester-1                 | Execute test: view
cc_functional_tester-1                 | getting result of query:
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22: request 0
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    START    [#####]: /api/ args:   0
rest_api-1                             | creating virtual environment...
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    FINISH    [#####]: /api/    args:   0 
cc_functional_tester-1                 | .Execute test: watch_list
cc_functional_tester-1                 | getting result of query:
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22: request 0
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    START    [#####]: /api/   args:   0
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22: request 0
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    START    [#####]: /api/  args:   0
rest_api-1                             | creating shared libraries...
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22: request 0
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    START    [#####]: /api/   args:   0
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22: request 0
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    START    [#####]: /api/ args:   0
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Generate Mock API
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | Wait until service started
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    FINISH    [#####]: /api/    args:   0 
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | http://rest_api:5000 is offline. Another attempt: 1/12 - will be made in 10 seconds.
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    FINISH    [#####]: /api/  args:   0 
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    FINISH    [#####]: /api/ args:   0 
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
cc_visualizer-1                        | Stack count is low (34). Did something go wrong?
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    FINISH    [#####]: /api/  args:   0 
cc_functional_tester-1                 | .Execute test: flamegraph
cc_functional_tester-1                 | getting result of query:
rrd_functional_tester-1                | ============================= test session starts ==============================
rrd_functional_tester-1                | platform linux -- Python 3.12.3, pytest-8.2.2, pluggy-1.5.0
rrd_functional_tester-1                | rootdir: /tests
rrd_functional_tester-1                | collected 6 items
rrd_functional_tester-1                | 
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22: request 0
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    START    [#####]: /api/   args:   0
rrd_functional_tester-1                | ../ ......
rrd_functional_tester-1                | 
rrd_functional_tester-1                | ============================== 6 passed in 0.02s ===============================
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22: request 0
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:22:  7c6a2cae94f8    START    [#####]: /api/ args:   0
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:23:  7c6a2cae94f8    FINISH    [#####]: /api/    args:   0 
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:23:  7c6a2cae94f8    CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:23:  7c6a2cae94f8    FINISH    [#####]: /api/  args:   0 
cc_functional_tester-1                 | .Execute test: statistic
cc_functional_tester-1                 | getting result of query:
cc_functional_tester-1                 | .
cc_functional_tester-1                 | 
cc_functional_tester-1                 | ============================== 4 passed in 0.71s ===============================
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | run Mock API servers:
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | /tests/services/ has been started
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | /tests/services/ has been started
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | /tests/services/ has been started
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Run tests:
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | EXCLUDE
cc_visualizer-1                        | 07:04:23:  7c6a2cae94f8    CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
cc_functional_tester-1                 | wait for termination
rrd_functional_tester-1                | ============================= test session starts ==============================
rrd_functional_tester-1                | platform linux -- Python 3.12.3, pytest-8.2.2, pluggy-1.5.0
rrd_functional_tester-1                | rootdir: /tests
rrd_functional_tester-1                | collected 6 items
rrd_functional_tester-1                | 
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:23: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:23:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/    args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:23:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/   args:   0 
rrd_functional_tester-1                | ../ Execute test: analytic
rrd_functional_tester-1                | initiate test query:
rrd_functional_tester-1                | getting result of query:
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:23: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:23:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:23:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/   args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:23: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:23:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/    args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:23:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/   args:   0 
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:23: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:23:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:23:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/    args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:23:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/   args:   0 
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:23:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:23:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/  args:   0 
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | ============================= test session starts ==============================
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | platform linux -- Python 3.12.3, pytest-8.2.2, pluggy-1.5.0
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | rootdir: /tests
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | collected 3 items
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:23:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
rrd_functional_tester-1                | .Execute test: rrd_select
rrd_functional_tester-1                | Test 'check_rrd_select_api' is in progress...[1]
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:24: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:24:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/ args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:24:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/    args:   0 
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:24:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
rrd_functional_tester-1                | initiate test query:
rrd_functional_tester-1                | getting result of query:
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:24: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:24:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/   args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:24: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:24:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/    args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:24:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/   args:   0 
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:24: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:24:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:24:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/    args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:24:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/   args:   0 
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:24:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Execute test: git
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[1]
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:24:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/  args:   0 
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:24:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
rrd_functional_tester-1                | FExecute test: rrd_collect
rrd_functional_tester-1                | getting result of query:
rrd_functional_tester-1                | Test 'check_rrd_collect_api' is in progress...[1]
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:25: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:25:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/    args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:25:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/   args:   0 
rrd_functional_tester-1                | .Execute test: rrd
rrd_functional_tester-1                | initiate test query:
rrd_functional_tester-1                | getting result of query:
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:25: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:25:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:25:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/   args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:25: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:25:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/    args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:25:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/   args:   0 
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:25: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:25:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:25:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/    args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:25:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/   args:   0 
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:25:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[2]
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:25:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/  args:   0 
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:25:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
rest_api-1                             | The server hasn't started yet...
rrd_functional_tester-1                | .Execute test: rrd_view
rrd_functional_tester-1                | Test 'check_rrd_select_api' is in progress...[1]
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/    args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/ args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/    args:   0 
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[3]
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/   args:   0 
rrd_functional_tester-1                | initiate test query:
rrd_functional_tester-1                | getting result of query:
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/   args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/    args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/   args:   0 
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/    args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/   args:   0 
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/  args:   0 
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:26:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
rest_api-1                             | upgrading shared libraries...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[4]
rrd_functional_tester-1                | .Execute test: rrd_plot_view
rrd_functional_tester-1                | Test 'check_rrd_plot_view_api' is in progress...[1]
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:27: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:27:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/   args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:27: request 0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:27:  rrd_analytic_functional START    [#####]: /api/ args:   0
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:27:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/    args:   0 
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:27:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:27:  rrd_analytic_functional FINISH    [#####]: /api/  args:   0 
rrd_functional_tester-1                | initiate test query:
rrd_functional_tester-1                | getting result of query:
rrd_analytic-1                         | 07:04:27:  rrd_analytic_functional CONSUMED [#####]: /api/ <--- /api/
rrd_functional_tester-1                | .
rrd_functional_tester-1                | 
rrd_functional_tester-1                | =================================== FAILURES ===================================
rrd_functional_tester-1                | _________________ test_filesystem_api_nodes[rrd_select-query1] _________________
rrd_functional_tester-1                | 
rrd_functional_tester-1                | name = 'rrd_select'
rrd_functional_tester-1                | query = {'Content-Type': 'text/plain', 'Description': {'body': 'To make a query:\n\n`echo "0" > api.pmccabe_collector.restapi....od': 'GET', 'Params': {'-name': '"*rrd"', '-path': '"**" -prune', '-type': 'f'}, ...}
rrd_functional_tester-1                | project_cpp_files = {'/mnt/bar_1_1_1_4.cpp', '/mnt/foo_2_2_3_11.cpp', '/mnt/main_1_1_2_5.cpp'}
rrd_functional_tester-1                | 
rrd_functional_tester-1                |     @pytest.mark.parametrize("name,query", testdata)
rrd_functional_tester-1                |     def test_filesystem_api_nodes(name, query, project_cpp_files):
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         print(f"Execute test: {name}")
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         global global_settings
rrd_functional_tester-1                |     
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         # compose expected pipe names, based on query data
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         pipes = compose_api_queries_pipe_names(global_settings.api_dir, query)
rrd_functional_tester-1                |     
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         if name == "analytic":
rrd_functional_tester-1                |             check_analytic_api(query, pipes, project_cpp_files)
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         elif name == "rrd":
rrd_functional_tester-1                |             check_rrd_api(query, pipes, project_cpp_files)
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         elif name == "rrd_collect":
rrd_functional_tester-1                |             check_rrd_collect_api(query, pipes, project_cpp_files)
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         elif name == "rrd_select":
rrd_functional_tester-1                | >           check_rrd_select_api(query, pipes, project_cpp_files)
rrd_functional_tester-1                | 
rrd_functional_tester-1                | ../ 
rrd_functional_tester-1                | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
rrd_functional_tester-1                | 
rrd_functional_tester-1                | query = {'Content-Type': 'text/plain', 'Description': {'body': 'To make a query:\n\n`echo "0" > api.pmccabe_collector.restapi....od': 'GET', 'Params': {'-name': '"*rrd"', '-path': '"**" -prune', '-type': 'f'}, ...}
rrd_functional_tester-1                | pipes = ['/api/', '/api/']
rrd_functional_tester-1                | project_cpp_files = {'/mnt/bar_1_1_1_4.cpp', '/mnt/foo_2_2_3_11.cpp', '/mnt/main_1_1_2_5.cpp'}
rrd_functional_tester-1                | 
rrd_functional_tester-1                |     def check_rrd_select_api(query, pipes, project_cpp_files):
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         # prepare RRD files
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         global executor
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         h = Heartbeat()
rrd_functional_tester-1                |"Test 'check_rrd_select_api' is in progress...")
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         executor.execute("rrd_collect")
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         h.stop()
rrd_functional_tester-1                |     
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         # seach appropriated RRD files using `rrd_select` api
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         print(f"initiate test query: {query["Query"]}")
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         api_query = APIQuery(pipes)
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         api_query.execute()
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         print(f"getting result of query: {query["Query"]}")
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         out = api_query.wait_result("", 0.1, 30, True)
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         rrd_storage = os.getenv('RRD_DATA_STORAGE_DIR', '')
rrd_functional_tester-1                |         shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(rrd_storage, "mnt"), ignore_errors=True)
rrd_functional_tester-1                |     
rrd_functional_tester-1                | >       assert len(out)
rrd_functional_tester-1                | E       AssertionError: assert 0
rrd_functional_tester-1                | E        +  where 0 = len('')
rrd_functional_tester-1                | 
rrd_functional_tester-1                | ../ AssertionError
rrd_functional_tester-1                | =========================== short test summary info ============================
rrd_functional_tester-1                | FAILED ../[rrd_select-query1] - Asserti...
rrd_functional_tester-1                | ========================= 1 failed, 5 passed in 4.32s ==========================
rrd_functional_tester-1                | wait for termination
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[5]
rest_api-1                             | determining package name from '/package/rest_api_server'...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[6]
rest_api-1                             | The server hasn't started yet...
rest_api-1                             | creating virtual environment...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[7]
rest_api-1                             | installing rest_api_server from spec '/package/rest_api_server'...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[8]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[9]
rest_api-1                             | No apps associated with package rest_api_server. Try again with
rest_api-1                             | '--include-deps' to include apps of dependent packages, which are listed
rest_api-1                             | above. If you are attempting to install a library, pipx should not be used.
rest_api-1                             | Consider using pip or a similar tool instead.
rest_api-1                             | Note: Dependent package 'flask' contains 1 apps
rest_api-1                             |   - flask
rest_api-1                             | 
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Waiting for a new server instance being initialed on:
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Service is offline. Another attempt: 1/5 - will be made in 1 seconds.
rest_api-1                             |  * Serving Flask app 'rest_api_server'
rest_api-1                             |  * Debug mode: off
rest_api-1                             | WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on all addresses (
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on
rest_api-1                             | Press CTRL+C to quit
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:32] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[10]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:33] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: The new server instance has been started, PID: 80
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[11]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[12]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[13]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[14]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[15]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[16]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[17]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[18]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[19]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[20]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[21]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[22]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[23]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[24]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:47] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | Run tests:
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | ============================= test session starts ==============================
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | platform linux -- Python 3.12.3, pytest-8.2.2, pluggy-1.5.0
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | rootdir: /tests
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | collected 1 item
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | 
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | s                                    [100%]
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | 
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | =========================== short test summary info ============================
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | SKIPPED [1] got empty parameter set ['name', 'query'], function test_filesystem_api_nodes at /tests/
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | ============================== 1 skipped in 0.01s ==============================
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[25]
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | ============================= test session starts ==============================
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | platform linux -- Python 3.12.3, pytest-8.2.2, pluggy-1.5.0
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | rootdir: /tests
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | collected 4 items
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | 
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:48] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:48] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:48] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  | 07:04:48: request 0
rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  | 07:04:48:  4ee04c062928    START    [rest_api]: /api/  args:   SESSION_ID=rest_api
rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  | 07:04:48:  4ee04c062928    FINISH    [rest_api]: /api/ args:   SESSION_ID=rest_api 
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:48] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  | 07:04:48:  4ee04c062928    CONSUMED [rest_api]: /api/ <--- /api/
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:48] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  | 07:04:48: request 0
rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  | 07:04:48:  4ee04c062928    START    [rest_api]: /api/   args:   SESSION_ID=rest_api
rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  | 07:04:48:  4ee04c062928    FINISH    [rest_api]: /api/  args:   SESSION_ID=rest_api 
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:48] "PUT / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  | 07:04:48:  4ee04c062928    CONSUMED [rest_api]: /api/ <--- /api/
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:48] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  | 07:04:48: request 0
rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  | 07:04:48:  4ee04c062928    START    [rest_api]: /api/   args:   SESSION_ID=rest_api
rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  | 07:04:48:  4ee04c062928    FINISH    [rest_api]: /api/  args:   SESSION_ID=rest_api 
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:48] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
rest_api_functional_api_initializer-1  | 07:04:48:  4ee04c062928    CONSUMED [rest_api]: /api/ <--- /api/
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | ....                                                         [100%]
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | 
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | ============================== 4 passed in 0.41s ===============================
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | ============================= test session starts ==============================
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | platform linux -- Python 3.12.3, pytest-8.2.2, pluggy-1.5.0
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | rootdir: /tests
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | collected 4 items
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | 
rest_api-1                             | Event has been detected:, action; MODIFY, dir: /api/ Reconfigure REST_API Service....
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:49] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[26]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:50] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[27]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:51] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[28]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:52] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | Got 1 API events. Restart REST_API service will be scheduled...
rest_api-1                             | Terminated
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Generate REST_API CGIs from imported API entry point
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Start REST_API server
rest_api-1                             | Waiting for a server to stop, pid 80...
rest_api-1                             | The server stopped
rest_api-1                             | creating virtual environment...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[29]
rest_api-1                             | determining package name from '/package/rest_api_server'...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[30]
rest_api-1                             | creating virtual environment...
rest_api-1                             | installing rest_api_server from spec '/package/rest_api_server'...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[31]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[32]
rest_api-1                             | The server hasn't started yet...
rest_api-1                             | No apps associated with package rest_api_server. Try again with
rest_api-1                             | '--include-deps' to include apps of dependent packages, which are listed
rest_api-1                             | above. If you are attempting to install a library, pipx should not be used.
rest_api-1                             | Consider using pip or a similar tool instead.
rest_api-1                             | Note: Dependent package 'flask' contains 1 apps
rest_api-1                             |   - flask
rest_api-1                             | 
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Waiting for a new server instance being initialed on:
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Service is offline. Another attempt: 1/5 - will be made in 1 seconds.
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[33]
rest_api-1                             |  * Serving Flask app 'rest_api_server'
rest_api-1                             |  * Debug mode: off
rest_api-1                             | WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on all addresses (
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on
rest_api-1                             | Press CTRL+C to quit
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:57] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:57] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:57] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | Event has been detected:, action; DELETE, dir: /api/ Reconfigure REST_API Service....
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:57] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: The new server instance has been started, PID: 170
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[34]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:58] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[35]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:04:59] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[36]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:00] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | Got 1 API events. Restart REST_API service will be scheduled...
rest_api-1                             | Terminated
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Generate REST_API CGIs from imported API entry point
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Start REST_API server
rest_api-1                             | Waiting for a server to stop, pid 170...
rest_api-1                             | The server stopped
rest_api-1                             | creating virtual environment...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[37]
service_broker-1                       | crond: user:root entry:* * * * *   true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && touch run_rrd.json && [ -e run_rrd.json ] && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && rm run_rrd.json && true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && false
service_broker-1                       | 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
service_broker-1                       | 111111111111111111111111
service_broker-1                       | 11111111111111111111111111111111
service_broker-1                       | 111111111111
service_broker-1                       | 1111111
service_broker-1                       | crond: wakeup dt=38
service_broker-1                       | crond: file root:
service_broker-1                       | crond:  line true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && touch run_rrd.json && [ -e run_rrd.json ] && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && rm run_rrd.json && true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && false
service_broker-1                       | crond:  job: 0 true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && touch run_rrd.json && [ -e run_rrd.json ] && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && rm run_rrd.json && true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && false
service_broker-1                       | crond: child running /bin/sh
service_broker-1                       | crond: USER root pid  11 cmd true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && touch run_rrd.json && [ -e run_rrd.json ] && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && rm run_rrd.json && true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && false
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:05:00: request 0
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:05:00:  b1c83d635298    START    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/    args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:05:00:  b1c83d635298    FINISH    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/   args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa 
rest_api-1                             | determining package name from '/package/rest_api_server'...
service_broker-1                       | wait for pipe /api/ ready
service_broker-1                       | 1
service_broker-1                       | "" completed
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:05:00: request 0
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:05:00:  b1c83d635298    CONSUMED [77be0817ebaa]: /api/ <--- /api/
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:05:00:  b1c83d635298    START    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/ args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:05:00:  b1c83d635298    FINISH    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/    args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa 
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[38]
service_broker-1                       | wait for pipe /api/ ready
service_broker-1                       | 1
service_broker-1                       | "" completed
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:05:01: request 0
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:05:01:  b1c83d635298    CONSUMED [77be0817ebaa]: /api/ <--- /api/
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:05:01:  b1c83d635298    START    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/    args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:05:01:  b1c83d635298    FINISH    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/   args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa 
service_broker-1                       | wait for pipe /api/ ready
service_broker-1                       | 1
service_broker-1                       | "" completed
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:05:01:  b1c83d635298    CONSUMED [77be0817ebaa]: /api/ <--- /api/
rest_api-1                             | creating virtual environment...
rest_api-1                             | installing rest_api_server from spec '/package/rest_api_server'...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[39]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[40]
rest_api-1                             | The server hasn't started yet...
rest_api-1                             | No apps associated with package rest_api_server. Try again with
rest_api-1                             | '--include-deps' to include apps of dependent packages, which are listed
rest_api-1                             | above. If you are attempting to install a library, pipx should not be used.
rest_api-1                             | Consider using pip or a similar tool instead.
rest_api-1                             | Note: Dependent package 'flask' contains 1 apps
rest_api-1                             |   - flask
rest_api-1                             | 
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Waiting for a new server instance being initialed on:
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Service is offline. Another attempt: 1/5 - will be made in 1 seconds.
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[41]
rest_api-1                             |  * Serving Flask app 'rest_api_server'
rest_api-1                             |  * Debug mode: off
rest_api-1                             | WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on all addresses (
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on
rest_api-1                             | Press CTRL+C to quit
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:05] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:05] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
rest_api-1                             | Event has been detected:, action; MODIFY, dir: /api/ Reconfigure REST_API Service....
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:05] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:05] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: The new server instance has been started, PID: 237
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[42]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:06] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[43]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:07] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[44]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:08] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | Got 1 API events. Restart REST_API service will be scheduled...
rest_api-1                             | Terminated
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Generate REST_API CGIs from imported API entry point
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Start REST_API server
rest_api-1                             | Waiting for a server to stop, pid 237...
rest_api-1                             | The server stopped
rest_api-1                             | creating virtual environment...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[45]
rest_api-1                             | determining package name from '/package/rest_api_server'...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[46]
rest_api-1                             | creating virtual environment...
rest_api-1                             | installing rest_api_server from spec '/package/rest_api_server'...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[47]
service_broker-1                       | crond: wakeup dt=10
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[48]
rest_api-1                             | The server hasn't started yet...
rest_api-1                             | No apps associated with package rest_api_server. Try again with
rest_api-1                             | '--include-deps' to include apps of dependent packages, which are listed
rest_api-1                             | above. If you are attempting to install a library, pipx should not be used.
rest_api-1                             | Consider using pip or a similar tool instead.
rest_api-1                             | Note: Dependent package 'flask' contains 1 apps
rest_api-1                             |   - flask
rest_api-1                             | 
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Waiting for a new server instance being initialed on:
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Service is offline. Another attempt: 1/5 - will be made in 1 seconds.
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[49]
rest_api-1                             |  * Serving Flask app 'rest_api_server'
rest_api-1                             |  * Debug mode: off
rest_api-1                             | WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on all addresses (
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on
rest_api-1                             | Press CTRL+C to quit
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:13] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:13] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:13] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | Event has been detected:, action; DELETE, dir: /api/ Reconfigure REST_API Service....
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:13] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: The new server instance has been started, PID: 304
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[50]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:14] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[51]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:15] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[52]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:16] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | Got 1 API events. Restart REST_API service will be scheduled...
rest_api-1                             | Terminated
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Generate REST_API CGIs from imported API entry point
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Start REST_API server
rest_api-1                             | Waiting for a server to stop, pid 304...
rest_api-1                             | The server stopped
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[53]
rest_api-1                             | creating virtual environment...
rest_api-1                             | determining package name from '/package/rest_api_server'...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[54]
rest_api-1                             | creating virtual environment...
rest_api-1                             | installing rest_api_server from spec '/package/rest_api_server'...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[55]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[56]
rest_api-1                             | The server hasn't started yet...
rest_api-1                             | No apps associated with package rest_api_server. Try again with
rest_api-1                             | '--include-deps' to include apps of dependent packages, which are listed
rest_api-1                             | above. If you are attempting to install a library, pipx should not be used.
rest_api-1                             | Consider using pip or a similar tool instead.
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[57]
rest_api-1                             | Note: Dependent package 'flask' contains 1 apps
rest_api-1                             |   - flask
rest_api-1                             | 
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Waiting for a new server instance being initialed on:
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Service is offline. Another attempt: 1/5 - will be made in 1 seconds.
rest_api-1                             |  * Serving Flask app 'rest_api_server'
rest_api-1                             |  * Debug mode: off
rest_api-1                             | WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on all addresses (
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on
rest_api-1                             | Press CTRL+C to quit
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:21] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:21] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:21] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | Event has been detected:, action; MODIFY, dir: /api/ Reconfigure REST_API Service....
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[58]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:21] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: The new server instance has been started, PID: 371
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:22] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[59]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:23] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[60]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:24] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | Got 1 API events. Restart REST_API service will be scheduled...
rest_api-1                             | Terminated
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Generate REST_API CGIs from imported API entry point
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Start REST_API server
rest_api-1                             | Waiting for a server to stop, pid 371...
rest_api-1                             | The server stopped
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for litmus test file: /tmp/test/git.counter creation[61]
rest_api-1                             | creating virtual environment...
rest_api-1                             | determining package name from '/package/rest_api_server'...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[1]
rest_api-1                             | creating virtual environment...
rest_api-1                             | installing rest_api_server from spec '/package/rest_api_server'...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[2]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[3]
rest_api-1                             | The server hasn't started yet...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[4]
rest_api-1                             | No apps associated with package rest_api_server. Try again with
rest_api-1                             | '--include-deps' to include apps of dependent packages, which are listed
rest_api-1                             | above. If you are attempting to install a library, pipx should not be used.
rest_api-1                             | Consider using pip or a similar tool instead.
rest_api-1                             | Note: Dependent package 'flask' contains 1 apps
rest_api-1                             |   - flask
rest_api-1                             | 
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Waiting for a new server instance being initialed on:
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Service is offline. Another attempt: 1/5 - will be made in 1 seconds.
rest_api-1                             |  * Serving Flask app 'rest_api_server'
rest_api-1                             |  * Debug mode: off
rest_api-1                             | WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on all addresses (
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on
rest_api-1                             | Press CTRL+C to quit
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:29] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:29] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
rest_api-1                             | Event has been detected:, action; DELETE, dir: /api/ Reconfigure REST_API Service....
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:29] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[5]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:29] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: The new server instance has been started, PID: 438
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:30] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[6]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:31] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[7]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:32] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | Got 1 API events. Restart REST_API service will be scheduled...
rest_api-1                             | Terminated
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Generate REST_API CGIs from imported API entry point
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Start REST_API server
rest_api-1                             | Waiting for a server to stop, pid 438...
rest_api-1                             | The server stopped
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[8]
rest_api-1                             | creating virtual environment...
rest_api-1                             | determining package name from '/package/rest_api_server'...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[9]
rest_api-1                             | creating virtual environment...
rest_api-1                             | installing rest_api_server from spec '/package/rest_api_server'...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[10]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[11]
rest_api-1                             | The server hasn't started yet...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[12]
rest_api-1                             | No apps associated with package rest_api_server. Try again with
rest_api-1                             | '--include-deps' to include apps of dependent packages, which are listed
rest_api-1                             | above. If you are attempting to install a library, pipx should not be used.
rest_api-1                             | Consider using pip or a similar tool instead.
rest_api-1                             | Note: Dependent package 'flask' contains 1 apps
rest_api-1                             |   - flask
rest_api-1                             | 
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Waiting for a new server instance being initialed on:
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Service is offline. Another attempt: 1/5 - will be made in 1 seconds.
rest_api-1                             |  * Serving Flask app 'rest_api_server'
rest_api-1                             |  * Debug mode: off
rest_api-1                             | WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on all addresses (
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on
rest_api-1                             | Press CTRL+C to quit
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:37] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:37] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:37] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | Event has been detected:, action; MODIFY, dir: /api/ Reconfigure REST_API Service....
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[13]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:37] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: The new server instance has been started, PID: 505
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:38] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[14]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:39] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[15]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:40] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | Got 1 API events. Restart REST_API service will be scheduled...
rest_api-1                             | Terminated
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Generate REST_API CGIs from imported API entry point
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Start REST_API server
rest_api-1                             | Waiting for a server to stop, pid 505...
rest_api-1                             | The server stopped
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[16]
rest_api-1                             | creating virtual environment...
rest_api-1                             | determining package name from '/package/rest_api_server'...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[17]
rest_api-1                             | creating virtual environment...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[18]
rest_api-1                             | installing rest_api_server from spec '/package/rest_api_server'...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[19]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[20]
rest_api-1                             | The server hasn't started yet...
rest_api-1                             | No apps associated with package rest_api_server. Try again with
rest_api-1                             | '--include-deps' to include apps of dependent packages, which are listed
rest_api-1                             | above. If you are attempting to install a library, pipx should not be used.
rest_api-1                             | Consider using pip or a similar tool instead.
rest_api-1                             | Note: Dependent package 'flask' contains 1 apps
rest_api-1                             |   - flask
rest_api-1                             | 
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Waiting for a new server instance being initialed on:
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Service is offline. Another attempt: 1/5 - will be made in 1 seconds.
rest_api-1                             |  * Serving Flask app 'rest_api_server'
rest_api-1                             |  * Debug mode: off
rest_api-1                             | WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on all addresses (
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on
rest_api-1                             | Press CTRL+C to quit
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:45] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:45] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
rest_api-1                             | Event has been detected:, action; DELETE, dir: /api/ Reconfigure REST_API Service....
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:45] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[21]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:45] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: The new server instance has been started, PID: 572
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:46] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[22]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:47] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[23]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:48] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | Got 1 API events. Restart REST_API service will be scheduled...
rest_api-1                             | Terminated
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Generate REST_API CGIs from imported API entry point
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Start REST_API server
rest_api-1                             | Waiting for a server to stop, pid 572...
rest_api-1                             | The server stopped
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[24]
rest_api-1                             | creating virtual environment...
rest_api-1                             | determining package name from '/package/rest_api_server'...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[25]
rest_api-1                             | creating virtual environment...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[26]
rest_api-1                             | installing rest_api_server from spec '/package/rest_api_server'...
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[27]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[28]
rest_api-1                             | The server hasn't started yet...
rest_api-1                             | No apps associated with package rest_api_server. Try again with
rest_api-1                             | '--include-deps' to include apps of dependent packages, which are listed
rest_api-1                             | above. If you are attempting to install a library, pipx should not be used.
rest_api-1                             | Consider using pip or a similar tool instead.
rest_api-1                             | Note: Dependent package 'flask' contains 1 apps
rest_api-1                             |   - flask
rest_api-1                             | 
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Waiting for a new server instance being initialed on:
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: Service is offline. Another attempt: 1/5 - will be made in 1 seconds.
rest_api-1                             |  * Serving Flask app 'rest_api_server'
rest_api-1                             |  * Debug mode: off
rest_api-1                             | WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on all addresses (
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on
rest_api-1                             |  * Running on
rest_api-1                             | Press CTRL+C to quit
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:53] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:53] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | ....                                                  [100%]
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | 
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | ========================= 4 passed in 64.31s (0:01:04) =========================
rest_api_functional_service_tester-1   | wait for termination
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[29]
rest_api-1                             | - - [05/Jul/2024 07:05:53] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rest_api-1                             | [WATCHDOG]: The new server instance has been started, PID: 639
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[30]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[31]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[32]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[33]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[34]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[35]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[36]
service_broker-1                       | crond: wakeup dt=50
service_broker-1                       | crond: file root:
service_broker-1                       | crond:  line true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && touch run_rrd.json && [ -e run_rrd.json ] && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && rm run_rrd.json && true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && false
service_broker-1                       | crond:  job: 0 true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && touch run_rrd.json && [ -e run_rrd.json ] && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && rm run_rrd.json && true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && false
service_broker-1                       | crond: child running /bin/sh
service_broker-1                       | crond: USER root pid  20 cmd true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && touch run_rrd.json && [ -e run_rrd.json ] && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && rm run_rrd.json && true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && false
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:06:00: request 0
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:06:00:  b1c83d635298    START    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/    args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:06:00:  b1c83d635298    FINISH    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/   args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa 
service_broker-1                       | 2
service_broker-1                       | "" completed
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:06:00: request 0
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:06:00:  b1c83d635298    CONSUMED [77be0817ebaa]: /api/ <--- /api/
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:06:00:  b1c83d635298    START    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/ args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:06:00:  b1c83d635298    FINISH    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/    args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa 
service_broker-1                       | 2
service_broker-1                       | "" completed
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:06:00: request 0
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:06:00:  b1c83d635298    CONSUMED [77be0817ebaa]: /api/ <--- /api/
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:06:00:  b1c83d635298    START    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/    args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:06:00:  b1c83d635298    FINISH    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/   args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa 
service_broker-1                       | 2
service_broker-1                       | "" completed
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:06:00:  b1c83d635298    CONSUMED [77be0817ebaa]: /api/ <--- /api/
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[37]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[38]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[39]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[40]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[41]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[42]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[43]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[44]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[45]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[46]
service_broker-1                       | crond: wakeup dt=10
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[47]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[48]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[49]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[50]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[51]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[52]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[53]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[54]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[55]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[56]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[57]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[58]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[59]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[60]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'git' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[61]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | .Execute test: rrd_collect
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[1]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[2]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[3]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[4]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[5]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[6]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[7]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[8]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[9]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[10]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[11]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[12]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[13]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[14]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[15]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[16]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[17]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[18]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[19]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[20]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[21]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[22]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[23]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[24]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[25]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[26]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[27]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[28]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[29]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[30]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[31]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[32]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[33]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[34]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[35]
service_broker-1                       | crond: wakeup dt=50
service_broker-1                       | crond: file root:
service_broker-1                       | crond:  line true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && touch run_rrd.json && [ -e run_rrd.json ] && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && rm run_rrd.json && true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && false
service_broker-1                       | crond:  job: 0 true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && touch run_rrd.json && [ -e run_rrd.json ] && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && rm run_rrd.json && true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && false
service_broker-1                       | crond: child running /bin/sh
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:07:00: request 0
service_broker-1                       | crond: USER root pid  26 cmd true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && touch run_rrd.json && [ -e run_rrd.json ] && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && rm run_rrd.json && true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && false
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:07:00:  b1c83d635298    START    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/    args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:07:00:  b1c83d635298    FINISH    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/   args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa 
service_broker-1                       | 3
service_broker-1                       | "" completed
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:07:00: request 0
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:07:00:  b1c83d635298    CONSUMED [77be0817ebaa]: /api/ <--- /api/
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:07:00:  b1c83d635298    START    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/ args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:07:00:  b1c83d635298    FINISH    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/    args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa 
service_broker-1                       | 3
service_broker-1                       | "" completed
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:07:00: request 0
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:07:00:  b1c83d635298    CONSUMED [77be0817ebaa]: /api/ <--- /api/
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:07:00:  b1c83d635298    START    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/    args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:07:00:  b1c83d635298    FINISH    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/   args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa 
service_broker-1                       | 3
service_broker-1                       | "" completed
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:07:00:  b1c83d635298    CONSUMED [77be0817ebaa]: /api/ <--- /api/
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[36]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[37]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[38]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[39]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[40]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[41]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[42]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[43]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[44]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[45]
service_broker-1                       | crond: wakeup dt=10
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[46]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[47]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[48]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[49]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[50]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[51]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[52]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[53]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[54]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[55]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[56]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[57]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[58]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[59]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[60]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd_collect' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[61]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | .Execute test: rrd
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[1]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[2]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[3]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[4]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[5]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[6]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[7]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[8]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[9]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[10]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[11]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[12]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[13]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[14]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[15]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[16]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[17]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[18]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[19]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[20]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[21]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[22]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[23]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[24]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[25]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[26]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[27]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[28]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[29]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[30]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[31]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[32]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[33]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[34]
service_broker-1                       | crond: wakeup dt=50
service_broker-1                       | crond: file root:
service_broker-1                       | crond:  line true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && touch run_rrd.json && [ -e run_rrd.json ] && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && rm run_rrd.json && true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && false
service_broker-1                       | crond:  job: 0 true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && touch run_rrd.json && [ -e run_rrd.json ] && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && rm run_rrd.json && true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && false
service_broker-1                       | crond: child running /bin/sh
service_broker-1                       | crond: USER root pid  32 cmd true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && touch run_rrd.json && [ -e run_rrd.json ] && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && rm run_rrd.json && true && echo "SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa" > /api/ && while [ ! -p /api/ ]; do sleep 0.5; echo "wait for pipe /api/ ready"; done && cat /api/ && echo "\"\" completed" && false
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:08:00: request 0
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:08:00:  b1c83d635298    START    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/    args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:08:00:  b1c83d635298    FINISH    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/   args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa 
service_broker-1                       | 4
service_broker-1                       | "" completed
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:08:00: request 0
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:08:00:  b1c83d635298    CONSUMED [77be0817ebaa]: /api/ <--- /api/
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:08:00:  b1c83d635298    START    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/ args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:08:00:  b1c83d635298    FINISH    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/    args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa 
service_broker-1                       | 4
service_broker-1                       | "" completed
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:08:00: request 0
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:08:00:  b1c83d635298    CONSUMED [77be0817ebaa]: /api/ <--- /api/
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:08:00:  b1c83d635298    START    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/    args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:08:00:  b1c83d635298    FINISH    [77be0817ebaa]: /api/   args:   SESSION_ID=77be0817ebaa 
service_broker-1                       | 4
service_broker-1                       | "" completed
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 07:08:00:  b1c83d635298    CONSUMED [77be0817ebaa]: /api/ <--- /api/
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[35]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[36]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[37]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[38]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[39]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[40]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[41]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[42]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[43]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[44]
service_broker-1                       | crond: wakeup dt=10
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[45]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[46]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[47]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[48]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[49]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[50]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[51]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[52]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[53]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[54]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[55]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[56]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[57]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[58]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[59]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[60]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | Test 'rrd' is in progress... Waiting for a next job execution, iteration: 1[61]
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | .
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | 
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | ======================== 3 passed in 244.05s (0:04:04) =========================
service_broker_functional_tester-1     | wait for termination
Warning: egator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:08:43.079][24][warning][main] [source/server/] caught ENVOY_SIGTERM
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:08:43.079][24][info][main] [source/server/] shutting down server instance
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:08:43.079][24][info][main] [source/server/] main dispatch loop exited
test_aggregator-1                      | [2024-07-05 07:08:43.081][24][info][main] [source/server/] exiting
test_aggregator-1                      | Test Suites execution result: 255. Full log can be found: 
test_aggregator-1                      | - /logs/aggregator//result_log_stdout
test_aggregator-1                      | - /logs/aggregator//result_log_stderr
test_aggregator-1                      | - /logs/syslog-ng/tester.log
test_aggregator-1                      | =================================================================
test_aggregator-1                      | |                  Captured Log traffic:                                   |
test_aggregator-1                      | =================================================================
test_aggregator-1                      | cat: /logs/aggregator//tester.log: No such file or directory
test_aggregator-1                      | =================================================================
test_aggregator-1                      | =================================================================
test_aggregator-1                      | |                  ERROR Log:                                   |
test_aggregator-1                      | =================================================================
test_aggregator-1                      | Statistic of "pmccabe_visualizer_docker-rrd_functional_tester-1" is inconsistent! Total: 12, failed: 0, passed: 6, skipped: 0
test_aggregator-1                      | SKIPPED tests in pmccabe_visualizer_docker-rest_api_functional_service_tester-1: 1
test_aggregator-1                      | =================================================================
Aborting on container exit...