SergeyTeplyakov / ErrorProne.NET

Set of roslyn-based analyzers for catching common C# errors (inspired by Google's error-prone)
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ErrorProne.NET says that "readonly ref structs" are "Non-readonly" #241

Closed Aniobodo closed 2 years ago

Aniobodo commented 2 years ago

ErrorProne.NET.Structs 0.1.2 What is going on here? ErrorProne.NET says that System.ReadOnlySpan, System.Span and any other "readonly ref structs" are "Non-readonly". Does anyone know the reason behind this?

SergeyTeplyakov commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure what's the point of opening a bug using such an old version, tbh. A bunch of stuff was fixed after that and, yes, in that old version it was a bug that caused this issue. It is fixed in the newer versions.

Aniobodo commented 2 years ago

Sorry SergeyTeplyakov. I grabbed version 0.1.2 which is the latest release on nugget.