Closed SergeyTsyrfa closed 6 years ago
_23th May 2002 - Present time Founded Space Exploration Technologies, or SpaceX. paceX is both the largest private producer of rocket engines in the world, and holder of the record for highest thrust-to-weight ratio for a rocket engine.
_17th March 1999 - 22th October 2002 Co-founded, an online financial services and e-mail payment company. One year later, the company merged with Confinity, which had a money-transfer service called PayPal. PayPal's early growth was driven mainly by a viral marketing campaign where new customers were recruited when they received money through the service.
16th September 1995 - 22th February 1999 Started Zip2, a web software company. The company developed and marketed an Internet "city guide" for the newspaper publishing industry.
_10th September 1992 - 10th May 1997 Transferred to the University of Pennsylvania. Received a Bachelor of Science degree in physics from its College of Arts and Sciences, and a Bachelor of Science degree in economics from its Wharton School of Business
1st September 1988 - 22th June 1992 Was accepted into Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario
28th June 1971 Born in Pretoria, South Africa
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