Sergih28 / groc

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Create the footer component in storybook #67

Closed Sergih28 closed 7 months ago

Sergih28 commented 7 months ago

The footer should be simple.

It should have the following lines:

Copyright © 2023, Sergi Heras & Contributors Released under the MIT License [Github icon] Github

2023 Should be dynamic. So that when we enter 2023, it says 2023 - 2024. Sergi Heras should link to my Github profile page. Contributors sould link to the project repository contributors section. The word MIT should link to our LICENSE file. Link both the github icon and the text to the project repository.

Tip: When adding tests, you can test with both just the initial year and with the initial and current year (considering the initial year is 2023 and the current 2024 or later).