SergioMEV / slurm-for-dummies

A dummy's guide to setting up (and using) HPC clusters on Ubuntu 22.04LTS using Slurm and Munge. Created by the Quant Club @ UIowa.
MIT License
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The guide didn't work on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS. #12

Open oabuhamdan opened 6 months ago

oabuhamdan commented 6 months ago

I tested this guide, which is great, but it didn't work!

Error: "srun: error: task 0 launch failed: Plugin initialization failed"

I think Tim Schneider's reply here is related to the issue somehow:

"Ubuntu 22 does not support cgroups v1 anymore. At the same time, the slurm-wlm package in the Ubuntu repositories uses cgroups v1, which makes its task/cgroup plugin incompatible with Ubuntu 22.

My solution was to build Slurm 22.05 manually, while ensuring that libdbus-1-dev is installed (as otherwise cgroups v2 support does not get built). This takes a bit more time but seems to work so far."

satishdotpatel commented 1 month ago

@oabuhamdan I had similar error and I did following to solved. I have changed proctrack/cgroup to proctrack/linuxproc. I am not sure if this is right thing to do or not. what are the advantage of using cgroup?
