Serhioromano / vscode-st

Extension for VS Code to support Structured Text language.
MIT License
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Incorrect auto formatting. #20

Closed david9991 closed 3 years ago

david9991 commented 3 years ago

Function name or maybe other place contains a keywords will be auto formatted to Upper characters. for example: FUNCTION test_return_exit will be auto formatted to FUNCTION test_RETURN_EXIT.

Serhioromano commented 3 years ago

I was working on new Formating algorithm utilizing VS Code built in API. I've release v1.8.0 of extension, that one should fix the issue and also formating is now standard VS Code formating menu option.

It does not do much, but at least there is new extension architecture. I'll advance it later when have more time.

Serhioromano commented 3 years ago

@david9991 please report after update if issue goes away.

david9991 commented 3 years ago

@Serhioromano Yes, seems it never happen again.

david9991 commented 3 years ago

@Serhioromano Hello, there is still some issue here. Keywords in quoted text still be formatted.

Screenshot from 2020-09-15 09-04-12

Serhioromano commented 3 years ago

Fixed in latest version 1.8.2