SeriousCache / UABE

Asset Bundle Extractor
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UABE crashes when I try importing textures. The issue seems to be ucrtbase.dll related #592

Open tiagoxjanai opened 1 year ago

tiagoxjanai commented 1 year ago

Absolute noob here, so sorry in advance. Wanted to give modding a try by making a simple texture edit mod. I could extract the textures as .png from a game with UABE no problem, but when trying to import them back into the .asset file (by clicking on it, going into plugins, edit, loading the new texture, and confirming), UABE only shows an empty progress bar for a second before closing on its own.

Been spending basically the entire day trying to solve this. The closest I've gotten was trying Window's Event Viewer. My computer is in Portuguese but hopefully the stuff below helps anyway:

Nome do aplicativo com falha: AssetBundleExtractor.exe, versão:, carimbo de data/hora: 0x626685dd Nome do módulo com falha: ucrtbase.dll, versão: 10.0.19041.789, carimbo de data/hora: 0x2bd748bf Código de exceção: 0xc0000409 Deslocamento da falha: 0x000000000007286e ID do processo com falha: 0x8b4 Hora de início do aplicativo com falha: 0x01d8d8690ae9be83 Caminho do aplicativo com falha: C:\Users\User\Documents\modding\AssetBundleExtractor_3.0beta1_64bit\AssetBundleExtractor.exe Caminho do módulo com falha: C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll ID do Relatório: ab6b729c-01df-4833-b929-06595ec0e52f Nome completo do pacote com falha: ID do aplicativo relativo ao pacote com falha:

I've found people online having a similar error with ucrtbase.dll, but none of their solutions worked out for me. (Repairing/reinstalling C++ through several different ways, rebooting my computer, placing ucrtbase.dll inside UABE's folder, running UABE as admin or in compatibility mode, changing my DPI scaling and many more I can't even count. None helped).

Also, older versions of UABE don't seem to support this game and can't even view the .asset files, since it's pretty recent. I wonder if that's the actual and I just have to wait for a new update.

Thanks in advance!

Hlebuw3k commented 1 year ago

Try using UABEA (UABEAvalonia) instead (it works for some things, does not for others) also using AssetStudio to extract files is way easier