SeriousCache / UABE

Asset Bundle Extractor
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UABE 3.0 beta 1 版本問題 #629

Open eshingliu opened 1 year ago

eshingliu commented 1 year ago

我的使用方法:只下載AssetsBundleExtractor_2.2stabled_64bit的zip檔案,解壓縮檔案,直接開啟AssetBundleExtractor的exe檔案。 遇到的問題:我的版本是2022.1.15f1,可是最新版本只有U2021.3.0f1,會有影響嗎? 有些內容無法"Export Dump"(轉換)成"text檔"(轉換),或者很大的檔案"Export Dump"(轉換)成"text檔"檔案很小。

How I use it: Only download the zip file of AssetsBundleExtractor_2.2stable_64bit, unzip the file, and directly open the exe file of AssetsBundleExtractor. The problem encountered: my version is 2022.1.15f1, but the latest version is only U2021.3.0f1, will it be affected? Some content cannot be "Export Dump" (converted) into a "text file" (converted), or a very large file "Export Dump" (converted) into a "text file" file is very small.

treetopwalk commented 1 year ago


The newest version is UABE 3.0 but it only supports up to 2021.3. The one you downloaded was 2.2 and it only supports up to unity 2019.2, thus some assets may not be readable.