SerotoninApp / Serotonin

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CarPlay injection #69

Open Frank12345678911 opened 10 months ago

Frank12345678911 commented 10 months ago

Is it possible? If so how can we do it?

Bmlegend1 commented 10 months ago

im waiting too for carbridge work

hrtowii commented 10 months ago

I suspect that this is an issue of Serotonin not injecting into daemons systemwide. It's on the todo list

Frank12345678911 commented 10 months ago

Hopefully someone smarter can turn this into a fork so we have carplay, but i have this






int (DBSystemAppMain)(int argc, char argv[], char envp[], char apple[]);

int main(int argc, char argv[], char envp[], char apple[]) { void handle = dlopen("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DashBoard.framework/DashBoard", RTLD_GLOBAL); DBSystemAppMain = dlsym(handle, "DBSystemAppMain"); return DBSystemAppMain(argc, argv, envp, apple); }

Basiclly change or add a new shim for carplay, fix the entitlements, and also you need to "resign" carplay. I got this from someone in the community but i have no idea how to use it