Serpen / VBS-VSCode

VSCode VBScript language extension
MIT License
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Introduce Pseudo Type System? #16

Open Serpen opened 3 years ago

Serpen commented 3 years ago

VBS has no type System, however sometimes it is well known what a function or variable holds.

I use this syntax on my own: Dim str ' as String ' Comment

Maybe such a comment based As Type approach could be used to fake a typesystem like typescript is doing it for javascript. However the comments have to be parsed stricter and an comment like dim refObject ' as already used above whould create and return type of already

Benik3 commented 3 years ago

Maybe using something like String_t (similar from C and his uint16_t etc.).
The parser can then match first world toward list of types and ideally remove the _t.

Serpen commented 3 years ago

Maybe using something like String_t (similar from C and his uint16_t etc.). The parser can then match first world toward list of types and ideally remove the _t.

Hm, i don't think that would be very intuitive to any VB developer, but it would indeed prevent from accidentally using normal comments as type

Serpen commented 3 years ago

Thinking the damage cause by accidentally used comments as Types is insignificant.

The ' as Type, sounds familiar to a VB developer and would work for

Don't work

For those things the idea won't work:

Function/Sub Parameters

Function myFunc(p1 ' as String, p2 ' As Integer Maybe this isn't bad, because there is no benefit beyond documentation purpose Splitting the Function into multiple lines and comment each parameter would be idea, but I think there is no valid syntax for that?? If the extension grows so far the a error checking is doing a strict type check, like typescript for javascript, this could become useful. An alternative approach would be to use xml comments for those ''' <param name="p1" type="string">Description</param

Function with different return types

CreateObject or GetObject could not use this typesystem. But the developer could declare a variable which states the awaited type dim fso ' as Scripting.FilesystemObject. But i think in this case the string in createobject should be the type

Set/Let Property

The parameter has the same problem like in subs/functions, but it could be inconsequentially be used as Property Let Text(val) ' as String


Enums aren't supported by VBS, but they would be helpful for many parameters like MsgBox Constants or String Compare Options.

Have no good idea, and don't like any approach:

' Enum MsgBoxContantCom = Array(vbOK, vbYesNo)

Const Enum_MsgBoxConstants = "vbOK, vbYesNo"

dim MsgBoxConstantsVar : MsgBoxConstantsVar = Array(vbOK, vbYesNo) ' as Enum

Class Enum_MsgBoxConstants
    Public vbOK
    Public vbYesNo
End Class

Function Enum_MsgBoxConstantsFunc() ' As Enum
    Enum_MsgBoxConstantsFunc = Array(vbOK, vbYesNo)
End Function
Benik3 commented 3 years ago

For the functions I think that using ''' <param name="p1" type="string">Description</param> is pretty OK. Even write the type directly in to the description. I would not overcomplicate this :)