SerpentAI / D3DShot

Extremely fast and robust screen capture on Windows with the Desktop Duplication API
MIT License
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when I use cv2.imshow to see the screen shoot it appears scrambled #20

Closed NatiBerko closed 4 years ago

NatiBerko commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to print the screenshot taken with D3DShot

d = d3dshot.create(capture_output="numpy") while True: frame = d.screenshot(region=(140, 400, 540, 550)) cv2.imshow("screenshot", frame)

frame comes scrambled.... can anyone explain?

thank you !

WowSuchRicky commented 4 years ago

Probably a dup of #19 . I'm having the same issue, also on a 3440x1440 monitor. I can reproduce that fact because the same code works great if I set the display to my secondary.

nbrochu commented 4 years ago

Yeah I'll mark it as a duplicate and flag the other one as a bug.