SerpentAI / D3DShot

Extremely fast and robust screen capture on Windows with the Desktop Duplication API
MIT License
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Bump pillow version for Python 3.9 support on Windows #44

Open hofst opened 3 years ago

hofst commented 3 years ago

Currently, d3dshot won't install with Python 3.9 on Windows. You can fix this, by bumping the pillow version requirement to 8.2.0

PlanetExpressShip commented 3 years ago

Do you know how to fix the issue

Hellikandra commented 3 years ago

Have you tested to change the pyproject.toml => pillow = "~7.1.2".

You need to be sure that every version of other package can be used by the Py 3.9.

mathisHeidrich commented 2 years ago

I just had to download the whole code, then unzip it and then change the line pillow = "~7.1.2" to pillow = ">=7.1.2" in the pyproject.toml. The last thing you have to do is to run pip install ./D3DShot-dev in the directory you unziped it. Just like @Hellikandra said.

Avasam commented 2 years ago

This has been stagnating for over a year. But if you'd like to update it yourself, create a fork, or use one of the 3 already updated forks and use pip install git+<user>/D3DShot.git#egg=D3DShot

fauskanger commented 2 years ago

I have made fork here with the changes mentioned above by @Tomatie


I cloned/copied it to my local drive and then did pip install . from inside the cloned repo, and it installed on Win 10, Python 3.10.4.

Does anyone have any good ideas to how I could/should distribute it when it's part of my project? Is it OK to make a new package and upload it to pypi even though it's a fork? I just want to have a way to distribute my package (that used D3DShot), but I'd like to proceed respectfully and transparently, and don't want to take credit for the work.

Is that what you suggest @avasam in your post when you say use pip install git+<user>/D3DShot.git#egg=D3DShot ?

Avasam commented 2 years ago

@fauskanger Yep, all you need to do to reference your fork and distribute it as part of your project is to reference your repo. With pip it's pip install git+ You can (and should) add it to your requirements file as well

For poetry, I'm not sure about the add command, but in the pyproject.toml it should look something like this according to their doc: D3DShot= { git = "", branch = "master" }

fauskanger commented 2 years ago

Thanks! And more thanks for all your great work on the D3DShot package 👌

piratajack2003 commented 2 years ago

the extracted file where should they be put?

mathisHeidrich commented 2 years ago

the extracted file where should they be put?

You can put them anywhere. Once you made the changes and installed it with pip you can delete the folder.