Serraniel / DiscordMediaLoader

Discord Media Loader - Simply download all attachments
Apache License 2.0
67 stars 10 forks source link

New Update, Your are Superior #153

Open aminiqmal39 opened 1 year ago

aminiqmal39 commented 1 year ago

Is there new update?

Since you have not updated the app for year now, i decided to look for other app and find this.

I try using it to test either it better than you or not by comparing how many files it can download on same channel.

The answer is, i got 634 files using your app and 187 files using that discord-downloader-go app. Look like your app are still superior than other even after 1 year.

Thank you for creating better app, hoping you add feature like changing token or stop scanning after finish download.

I don't know for the warning of violate discord TOS, but i do use secondary account. Used for 1 year already and still safe.

Thank you for everything.