Sertion / vscode-gitblame

Visual Studio Code Extension - See Git Blame info in status bar.
MIT License
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Execute command to query gerrit for url to code review website #114

Closed sparlund closed 2 years ago

sparlund commented 2 years ago

I use Gerrit for code reviews in a project. I'm not an expert at how Gerrit works, but to find the correct code review URL for the website you can/need to query Gerrit. See below, $username, $hostname and $hash should be self explanatory. ssh -p 29418 $username@$hostname gerrit query --current-patch-set $hash | grep "url" | sed -e 's/ url: //g'

This returns an URL for the code review user interface.

Could this somehow be incorporated into this extension? I don't want to use the commit hash-id, but rather what Gerrit calls the "number" [1].

If it doesn't really fit the purpose of the extension, could you point me in the general direction in the code base where I could start fiddling with my own fork?

Thanks in advance and cheers for a great extension.


Sertion commented 2 years ago

Hey sparlund!

As you have identified yourself this is out of scope for the extension.

The Extension Anatomy-page is a good overview of what an extension is and how they register commands. In this particular case I don't know what data you would need from the vscode-gitblame but all commands are registered in the index-file. From there it is pretty straight forward async/await stuff.