Sertion / vscode-gitblame

Visual Studio Code Extension - See Git Blame info in status bar.
MIT License
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Git Blame stopped showing info #132

Closed arielWix closed 1 year ago

arielWix commented 1 year ago

I used this extension for while and it worked before but it seems that its not longer showing blame info. I do have the GotBlame Icon but when hovering it I see tooltip saying "Git Blame - no info about the current line", any idea why?

BTW - it seems that I do see blame data for files in the monorepo root folder but not for the internal projects

This looks weird: 🤔 image

Sertion commented 1 year ago

Hey arielWix!

Sadly this is not enough information for me to have a clear answer.

Have you looked in the Output > Git Blame log? Does it help you?

To see what git folder the extension uses you can cd to the folder where a file you want to blame is and run git rev-parse --git-dir.

arielWix commented 1 year ago

not much in the logs:

[ 23:07:49 | command ] /usr/local/bin/git rev-parse --git-dir
[ 23:07:49 | command ] /usr/local/bin/git blame -C --incremental -- /Users/arielh/Git/metro/packages/http-client-testkit/src/utils.ts
[ 23:07:50 | info ] Blamed "/Users/arielh/Git/metro/packages/http-client-testkit/src/utils.ts"
[ 23:12:55 | command ] /usr/local/bin/git rev-parse --git-dir
[ 23:12:55 | command ] /usr/local/bin/git blame -C --incremental -- /Users/arielh/Git/metro/packages/http-client/src/utils.ts
[ 23:12:55 | info ] Blamed "/Users/arielh/Git/metro/packages/http-client/src/utils.ts"
➜  src git:(master) ✗ pwd                             
➜  src git:(master) ✗ git rev-parse --git-dir         
➜  src git:(master) ✗ 
Sertion commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the log output!

If it gets as far as the info message about blaming files it should work all the way from there. When things break it is usually between the extension and git or the filesystem. Here it is past all that and whats rest is only display logic.

Does the internal projects have settings specific to them? If it has they should be located in .vscode/settings.json.

arielWix commented 1 year ago

After I noticed that other projects do show blame data properly I tried to delete the whole repository and re-cloned it, now I see the data again :)