Sertion / vscode-gitblame

Visual Studio Code Extension - See Git Blame info in status bar.
MIT License
72 stars 31 forks source link

Feature Request: Copy commit hash on info message click #171

Closed harshbhatt closed 1 month ago

harshbhatt commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the awesome extension! Have a small feature request - either another button or simply copy the commit has on message click.

Sertion commented 1 month ago

Hey Harsh! Thanks for the feature request.

It is currently possible to copy the hash to clipboard using the "Git Blame: Copy hash to clipboard"-command but adding an option to the status bar click event should be pretty straight forward. I am not a fan of adding it as an option to the dialog as two buttons already feels a lot for what the extension does.

Sertion commented 1 month ago

I've added the "Copy hash to clipboard" option to gitblame.statusBarMessageClickAction. When set to this clicking the status bar element will copy the the hash to the clipboard.

The new version has been uploaded to to the stores.