ServiceNow / N-BEATS

N-BEATS is a neural-network based model for univariate timeseries forecasting. N-BEATS is a ServiceNow Research project that was started at Element AI.
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Reproducing M4 Results #10

Open Cazual opened 3 years ago

Cazual commented 3 years ago

I am having trouble reproducing the results on the M4 dataset. I am getting the following error when running the notebook for the m4:

ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)

in 1 import pandas as pd 2 ----> 3 from summary.m4 import M4Summary 4 from summary.utils import median_ensemble 5 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'summary' When I follow the reproduction steps I run into this error. Here is my build script. #!/bin/bash make init make dataset make build config=experiments/m4/interpretable.gin make run command=storage/experiments/m4_interpretable/repeat=0,lookback=2,loss=MAPE/command
Dolores2333 commented 3 years ago

This may because you used the wrong notebook server. I came with the same error when I used the JupyterLab on my server directly to open the .ipynb files rather than using the one created by 'make notebook port=XXXX'.

My solution is:

  1. Finish training, forecasting and download the outcomes from my server to my computer(Mac).
  2. open docker on my PC.
  3. enter a terminal, 'make init' under the the N-BEATS folder where the downloaded outcomes are stored in ./storage/experiments/m4 for example.
  4. 'make notebook port=XXXX'
  5. open a browser, for example chrome.
  6. type 'localhost:XXXX' and open this website
  7. Now you reached the right notebook server.