ServiceNowDevProgram / Points-Thing

The official application repository for the bot @Points-Thing on the workspace.
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Create API so that points can come from other scopes or external APIs #2

Closed earlduque closed 10 months ago

SapphicFire commented 1 year ago

Hey Earl, would you mind expanding on what your vision with this is? Happy to take a swing at it but keen to understand use cases and validations you have in mind

earlduque commented 1 year ago

If you see in the existing app, I created a API point table, this was meant to be alongside the chat table and this app would accept points from two different locations, but essentially use the same script include for processing the points.

I wanted to make a for-internal-use script include to create records on this table that would then activate the points incrementing and also create a scripted REST api (with some security) for receiving points from external systems.

I'll expand more as needed or as I think of it.