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Docs on need updating #79

Open ffirg opened 5 months ago

ffirg commented 5 months ago

The example data payload under refers to

- name: Create an incident
    username: ansible_test
    password: my_password
    instance: dev99999
    state: present
      short_description: "This is a test incident opened by Ansible"
      severity: 3
      priority: 2
  register: new_incident

But when using with the latest SNOW Washington release, in order to update an incident properly you should pass impact and urgency and then SNOW will set the priority. This is an example snippet that works:

          short_description: Event Driven Ansible Remediation Incident
          impact: 2
          urgency: 1

Trying to use the existing doc example does not have the desired effect in tersm of priority etc

ffirg commented 5 months ago

Latest documented collection at is also out-of-date