ServiceWeaver / weaver-kube

Run Service Weaver applications on vanilla Kubernetes.
Apache License 2.0
61 stars 19 forks source link

Added annotations to generated resources. #73

Closed mwhittaker closed 12 months ago

mwhittaker commented 12 months ago
$ kubectl get all -o custom-columns=KIND:.kind,,APP:.metadata.labels.appName,VERSION:.metadata.labels.version,DESCRIPTION:.metadata.annotations.description
KIND                      NAME                                              APP       VERSION    DESCRIPTION
Pod                       collatz-even-23e28c55-d4475a9c-7f445cb744-6rw78   collatz   <none>     This Pod hosts components collatz.Even, collatz.Odd.
Pod                       weaver-main-23e28c55-c91533b0-5c7dc8b98-5qdp5     collatz   <none>     This Pod hosts components weaver.Main.
Service                   collatz-23e28c55                                  <none>    23e28c55   This Service forwards traffic to the "collatz" listener.
Service                   kubernetes                                        <none>    <none>     <none>
Deployment                collatz-even-23e28c55-d4475a9c                    <none>    23e28c55   This Deployment hosts components collatz.Even, collatz.Odd.
Deployment                weaver-main-23e28c55-c91533b0                     <none>    23e28c55   This Deployment hosts components weaver.Main.
ReplicaSet                collatz-even-23e28c55-d4475a9c-7f445cb744         collatz   <none>     This Deployment hosts components collatz.Even, collatz.Odd.
ReplicaSet                weaver-main-23e28c55-c91533b0-5c7dc8b98           collatz   <none>     This Deployment hosts components weaver.Main.
HorizontalPodAutoscaler   collatz-even-23e28c55-d4475a9c                    <none>    23e28c55   This HorizontalPodAutoscaler scales the "collatz-even-23e28c55-d4475a9c" Deployment.
HorizontalPodAutoscaler   weaver-main-23e28c55-c91533b0                     <none>    23e28c55   This HorizontalPodAutoscaler scales the "weaver-main-23e28c55-c91533b0" Deployment.
mwhittaker commented 12 months ago

Nice. Can we add the kubectl command to see the annotations to the YAML header as well?
