Servius / tfa-sw-weapons-repository

Official branch for the TFA Star Wars Weapons.
Apache License 2.0
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Scope Issue #18

Closed AliciaStraymaus closed 7 years ago

AliciaStraymaus commented 7 years ago

For some reason, the 3D Scopes for the starwars weapons seem to show some random point on the map, rather then what I am looking at. Is there any reason for this? It really seems to only be your starwars weapons, and I believe I have all of the things needed for it.

Alternative question: All TFA weapons 3D scopes seem to turn white if I have GMDOOM enabled, including the starwars weapons, is there a reason for this as well?

Servius commented 7 years ago

Make sure you are using either my version of the tfa base or the tfa redux base. You cannot be using the sv base.

Please link me whatever might explain what gmdoom is.

Servius commented 7 years ago


Servius commented 7 years ago

No response nor was i able to replicate the issue. Closing.