Screenshots are here, followed by the errors it gives me, which are not bountiful.
Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: tfa_rtmaterial)
Failed to load sound "weapons\tfa\ironin.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "weapons\tfa\ironout.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Screenshot Requested
Screenshot Requested
ManningSquared<STEAM_0:0:94487830> spawned/gave himself swep tfa_kotor_br_3
Giving ManningSquared a tfa_kotor_br_3
Screenshot Requested
ManningSquared<STEAM_0:0:94487830> spawned/gave himself swep tfa_dh17
Giving ManningSquared a tfa_dh17
Screenshot Requested
Couldn't create BASS audio stream (unsupported file format)
Failed to load sound "weapons\dh17\dh17_fire.ogg", file probably missing from disk/repository
Attempting to create unknown particle system 'tfa_ins2_weapon_muzzle_smoke'
ManningSquared<STEAM_0:0:94487830> spawned/gave himself swep tfa_cadbane_rifle
Giving ManningSquared a tfa_cadbane_rifle
Couldn't create BASS audio stream (unsupported file format)
Failed to load sound "weapons\cadbane_rifle\wpn_cad_bane_rifle_shoot_03.ogg", file probably missing from disk/repository
Attempting to create unknown particle system 'tfa_ins2_weapon_muzzle_smoke'
Screenshots are here, followed by the errors it gives me, which are not bountiful.
This is the workshop, as well as a list of all server-side addons I have installed. DarkRP Modification Ulib Ulx Dbugr
Thanks so much for the help!