Before submitting a pull request for new review, make sure the following is done:
Design doc is created and posted here: [Insert Link]
Code cleanliness and completeness is addressed via guidelines
[] README has proper context for the reviewer to understand what the code includes, any important design considerations, and areas to pay more attention to
Code Checks
[] Add explanatory comments. If there is complex code that requires specific context or understanding, note that in a comment
[] Remove unncessary comments. Any comments that do not add additional context, information, etc. should be removed
[] Add javadocs.
[] Scrub through the code for inconsistencies (e.g. removing extra spaces)
[] Ensure there are not any .onlys in spec files
Broader Considerations
[] Ensure variable, function and event naming is clear, consistent, and reflective for the scope of the code.
[] Consider if certain pieces of logic should be placed in a different library, module
Code Review Processes
New Feature Review
Before submitting a pull request for new review, make sure the following is done:
Code Checks
Broader Considerations