Seth-Park / MultimodalExplanations

Code release for Park et al. Multimodal Multimodal Explanations: Justifying Decisions and Pointing to the Evidence. in CVPR, 2018
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Explanations Annotations for Generating Explanations #2

Open asdegoyeneche opened 5 years ago

asdegoyeneche commented 5 years ago

Hi, For VQA-X, I was able to generate explanations using the pre-trained model, but I am a bit confused why it is necessary to give the --exp_file with the explanation labels. I'm referring to this command:

cd PJ-X-VQA/generate_vqa_exp
python --ques_file ../VQA-X/Questions/v2_OpenEnded_mscoco_val2014_questions.json --ann_file ../VQA-X/Annotations/v2_mscoco_val2014_annotations.json --exp_file ../VQA-X/Annotations/val_exp_anno.json --gpu 0 --out_dir ../VQA-X/results --folder ../model/ --model_path $PATH_TO_CAFFEMODEL --use_gt --save_att_map

I understand that at the moment of creating the explanations in PJ-X-VQA/generate_vqa_exp/ the labels are not being used. Could you please clarify? Thanks,