SethBling / cbscript

CBScript for Minecraft
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when rust rewrite #1

Closed partisani closed 4 months ago

Sainan commented 4 months ago

Learn a better language like C++

krizej commented 4 months ago

cbscript rewrite when

aMyTimed commented 4 months ago

rewrite in css

Perthys commented 4 months ago


MicroPanda123 commented 4 months ago

cpscript rewrite when

SenkJu commented 4 months ago

Learn a better language like C++

Like PHP?

gooncreeper commented 4 months ago

HQ9+ rewrite when?

nojasm commented 4 months ago


lv37 commented 4 months ago

javascript rewrite ftw

partisani commented 4 months ago


datkat21 commented 4 months ago

just leave it closed

partisani commented 4 months ago


LuisNordlSlav commented 4 months ago

Odin lang rewrite when

RustoMCSpit commented 4 months ago

needs to be re-written in holy c, this is tomfoolery

partisani commented 4 months ago

6502 assembly better

thennothinghappened commented 4 months ago

this is the bootstrap compiler for the cbscript cbscript compiler :p

Crinfarr commented 4 months ago

if it can't self compile why even bother

KatPurpy commented 4 months ago

i suggest nocode

sylv256 commented 4 months ago

I'm being serious; this needs a rewrite in Java.

Popaulol commented 4 months ago

I'm being serious; this needs a rewrite in Java.

Why though? In my opinion the only languages that a rewrite of this would actually make sense in are:

thennothinghappened commented 4 months ago

Why not have this as a reference implementation of this transpiler, and once a spec is settled in writing others can make more optimised, modern versions? I don't think "rewrite this in another language please" is really a reasonable request here, but it makes more sense to instead shift to discussing standard spec, so that others can then rewrite it in a more "suitable" language, and more capably for large projects once they exist.

erikLundstedt commented 4 months ago

Rewrite it in lua

/only kinda joking, especially as the language itself (cbscript) looks (from the video) quite lua-like end

aMyTimed commented 4 months ago

@aMyTimed: rewrite in css

after careful reconsideration i believe rewriting in machine code for your PC would be better and more efficient and even faster than rust

RustoMCSpit commented 4 months ago

re-write in latin please

SethBling commented 4 months ago

When Mojang adds native-binary plugins.

IoIxD commented 3 months ago

When Mojang adds native-binary plugins.

I assume they meant the transpiler itself?

7n7o commented 3 months ago


Why Hello Perth........