User can take a quiz. A quiz consists of questions. It will be multiple choice and the user selects via radio buttons or checkbox. We will pull answers via Level.find(1).cards.find(randomnumber).answer and first limit the random number by checking the length of the returned array - 1 via Level.find(1).cards.length. In the controller, we will write logic that checks the correct answers, and then if the user passes the quiz, we will update the users' profile with the correct credibility and level.
User can take a quiz. A quiz consists of questions. It will be multiple choice and the user selects via radio buttons or checkbox. We will pull answers via
and first limit the random number by checking the length of the returned array - 1 viaLevel.find(1).cards.length
. In the controller, we will write logic that checks the correct answers, and then if the user passes the quiz, we will update the users' profile with the correct credibility and level.