SethRobinson / aitools_client

Seth's AI Tools: A Unity based front end that uses image generators and llm APIs to do fun stuff
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Suggestion: Update manager #2

Closed cooperdk closed 1 year ago

cooperdk commented 1 year ago

This is a feature improvement suggestion:

I'd like to see an in-app update manager, it could be an external program, checking for a newer app version. Saves us from checking the github frequently.

It could be done by matching a version string in a file accompanying the app (in the app root) and matching it with the same version file on Github (how I do it myself). If a new update exists, it should offer to download and update the app.

Could by done by the updater by running taskkill /im aitools_client.exe, unpacking to own dir (without overwriting the updater) as it is running, then executing aitools_client and shutting itself down.

Also suggest the github releases area to hold both current release and earlier releases (line two in the version file could hold the URL to the new version, or you could host the update version elsewhere).

SethRobinson commented 1 year ago

Sort of added today in V0.60. It at least notifies the user with a pop-up when a new version is detected. It does this by checking a specific file here on github. Still up the user to install the new version, it does open the file URL if the user wants though.