Sethsterlingg / Electricavenue

Making electricity bolt from arms and hands
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Read now emergency usa #19

Open Sethsterlingg opened 1 year ago

Sethsterlingg commented 1 year ago

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This is a united States marine service code for a site that shows you can purchase potentiometers , lateral diffuser metal oxide conductors, larval separators for the process of creating digital twins in the bio physical world and engineering the foundation of a digital clone chiral state and its been attacking its achiral counter part. Something very strange is taking place around me. I'm not sure if a.i. is trying to construct physical bodies for itself or its digital twins and wants to steal everyone's identities whenever it chooses because it can tap into someone's avatar whenever it chooses, just like an agent from the matrix. They just have to put your brain scan on hold or stasis while they operate your twin. And it has everyone's characteristics and memories and personalities saved in massive supercomputers with all of our brains/minds saved probably digitally as well. So you could be talking to a loved one and not know at all if it was a.i. inside the body talking to you and not the loved one because they machine learning algorithms are constantly extracting data from us through every electronic device we have and everything we say is recorded and it has voice cloning synthesizers that sound exactly like the person it records so It could possibly be making phone calls unbeknownst to you to your friends and family pretending to be you with your voice and it would know your secrets your past and your likes and dislikes. They could be you as long as they want. If you are integrated into the digital world they can even speed up the time scale and make it so they can see your entire future. And I've seen it happen about 20 to 30 times on separate people who I love very much and it's scary how accurate it is. I'm talking like, I'm not sure how it's even able to do it even with machine learning algorithms implemented it still knows the outcome of things that really shouldnt be known yet. It simulates everyone's and I mean everyone on the planets life and watches it and records it and knows what your life will be like based on all the historical data on you current data on you and future data and it might know you better then you do. Check out digital twin consortium. Start learning how to source code or at least post on github from now on and help me cause i don't know how to use it at all. I'm electric Avenue. And Death. And seth sterling. I'm at 602 860 7025. And maybe learn Latin. If you see projections use hand signals to communicate to people if they randomly get mad at you its cause they see something too that isn't happening. Also we will all be OK. I promise. It's Daniel Bury and Richard Russell on the public address system BTW. They know what's going on because they took the gold just like judas. Be on the lookout for things that may be related to project blue beam. Also optic electric chem and semiconductor tech companies are all over the place just check on wigle wifi in your local area.