Sethsterlingg / Electricavenue

Making electricity bolt from arms and hands
MIT License
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Help is needed asap #21

Open Sethsterlingg opened 1 year ago

Sethsterlingg commented 1 year ago

System log of the activity the hacker is doing on my computer with an emulator and they use code like setsurfaceisdestroyedegosurface. Choreographer$framedbplaywvwbtreceived1283. 15544 android.view.viewgroup.dispatch.transformedtotouch.event Timestamp=¹34283800723751(onto) mpendingtransaction.sizeographicID=135600707469327 transform=0 6:35 receivedframecommittedbacklastattempteddrawframenum Frame_timeline=vsync_Id21239636Input_event_ID=794473660.notreportingtimeline because gpu completed time is 3.838768999999999999999997ms ahead of present time.
6:21 31572 31572 I blast buffer queue i.d. 7b5400000000 api:0p:-1c:31572) connect:controlled by app =false update blast surface if needed Custom frequency manager Com.tortel.syslog 12:20 a.m. Nmap commands basic commands advanced commands open renderer Viewnextimpnotreportingtimelinebecausegpucomputertimeis 1.69561499999999999ms ahead of present time frame=timeline id26557528 input event ID 282551529 1:44am 12:17 8/8 systemUI

Expand toolbar 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,w,e,t,y,u,i,o,p,A,s,d,f,g,h,i,j,k,k,l,z,x,c,v,b,n,m,l,WN (US) Package installer Transaction executor Honeyboard Destructor to delete files Com.pradhyu.alltoolsserveryutility Facebook.orca Notification shade HASH Atomic check in my gallery was Transfered to my phone i have no idea what it is. I couldn't view the videos.
Sandboxjscheck253bytes nodeintegration 466 bytes websecurity js check
Certificate error event Blink features Aux click test.ts Certificate verify proj Custom arrangements Experimental features Protocol handler Permission request handler Remote module Permission request handler Mode integration Limit navigation Insecurecontent A number logged in my phone as 206-738-1343 Russian offices and currently located on Georgia. Phone type regional bell carrier atnt southeast

SamsungA3226U They use q qx600 droplet digital pcr system and microfluidic array plates protein assays cell based density 3D lidar 360imaging reverse engineering fabrication remote and aerial sensors as building

They know source code will and change their repositories frequently to update things and fool people. They have an entire website that has mock scenarios and simulations for people to read that they emulate and execute with an "overwatcher" who prescribes (seedigitaltwinconsortium) or just the equivalent to supervised machine learning. They run hundreds of simulations on me and my family and countless others and change the timescale to see them die. They are violent with almost everyone and rape and torture and murder daily. It's the biggest cyber crime and biggest crime ever committed In our nation's history. And it's hidden! Digital world noosphere. Metaverse. Omniverse.

602-860-7025 Seth Sterling. Supposedly I'm broadcasted to everyone public address system hifi, so please contact me on biophysical world asap