Currently this SDK uses Axios and axios is not supported in many edge service like Cloudflare workers and vercel edge(might support now they have migrated to node again). But for Cloudflare worker this is a issue.
Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, stack traces, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, eg. StackOverflow, personal fork, etc.)
I'm suggesting you to use a fetch adapter e.g @haverstack/axios-fetch-adapter which adds fetch instead of Axios inbuilt request adapter. This will fix the cloudflare workers/pages deployment issue.
import axios from "axios";
import fetchAdapter from "@haverstack/axios-fetch-adapter";
I'm submitting a ... [x] feature request
Summary Currently this SDK uses Axios and axios is not supported in many edge service like Cloudflare workers and vercel edge(might support now they have migrated to node again). But for Cloudflare worker this is a issue.
Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, stack traces, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, eg. StackOverflow, personal fork, etc.) I'm suggesting you to use a fetch adapter e.g @haverstack/axios-fetch-adapter which adds fetch instead of Axios inbuilt request adapter. This will fix the cloudflare workers/pages deployment issue.
const client = axios.create({ adapter: fetchAdapter });