SeungjunNah / DeepDeblur_release

Deep Multi-scale CNN for Dynamic Scene Deblurring
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How to test REDS dataset? #61

Closed Huangjianglu closed 2 years ago

Huangjianglu commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your great job! I want to test my model on REDS dataset, but I can not download How can I test my model on REDS dataset?

SeungjunNah commented 3 years ago

Hi @Huangjianglu,

The test GT is not publicly released as we are hosting NTIRE and AIM challenges based on the REDS dataset. Currently evaluation is only available via challenge participation.

We are planning to run our own online server in a long term plan so that open-ended benchmark would be available to public. However, it is not ready yet. When we are ready, we will notice you.

jinshuan001 commented 3 years ago

hi @SeungjunNah ,

I am engaged in the joint deblurring and super resolution job now and i wonder if i could send you my result on REDS test dataset to get a performance result



SeungjunNah commented 3 years ago


Yes, I can give you the evaluated scores if you send me the images via email.